Wednesday 8 August 2012


This morning, I went to get my annual blood work done at a lab near my house. What was different this year was that I didn't book an appointment, which I later realized that I would regret not doing so...

I arrived at the lab at around 7:00 and got out at around 8:15...

One and a quarter hour wait. Granted I was with my mom and brother, but yes... Usually when I get an appointment, I'm in and out in about 30 minutes flat. I know what to do for next year!

All in all, I didn't get to swim this morning =(

Moving onto happier news, I tried out Nandos down 32nd Ave in the N.E. It used to be an old Pizza Hut building that I visited a couple of times when I was young.

I had to say that I didn't expect the inside to be quite posh. It wasn't fancy fancy, but it was really really nice. I got, I believe was a quarter chicken and fries. The hot sauce that they had there was quite spicy; almost reminding me of the time I had suicide wings. =P

Well time to explain the title of the post today! My Pikachu decal for my Macbook Pro came in today! It took me about 10 minutes to put on, but it's soooo much easier than putting decals on my gundam! I like how there's a big surface area to work with now! =D

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