Monday 20 August 2012

White Box Photography

Blah, my brain is rotting from the past two weeks of inactivity...

So I decided to finally try and take pictures again using my white box! The purpose of the white box is to act as a filter for incoming light.

There were a couple differences between today's photo shoot and the one I took a while back:

1) I used a tripod. Never again, will I underestimate the value of a tripod. No matter how still I think I am, or how was the shutter speed is... nothing beats the steadiness of a tripod!

2) Played around with my white balance. I noticed in my last shoot that a lot of my pictures were on the warm side (yellowish-white), when I wanted a cooler temperature. To fix that, I simply tried using a different white balance setting on my camera (White Florescent setting) and it seemed to work!

3) Used RAW format. Not as important, but it will be helpful during photoshop!

So yes! That was what I did today! I'll try and blog daily again, since it'll keep me entertained... For the first time (well I believe the first time this summer), that I finally feel bored and want to go back to school!

Here was my set up this late morning!

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