Tuesday 31 December 2013

David's Top 5 Japanese Dramas for 2013

Time for my second "Top 5" blog!

Seemingly, 2013's top dramas in my opinions happened to be sequels to top hits from previous years. Three out of my top 5 happened to be sequels in fact! It was really difficult to rank them, however, so I decided that there will be just two places. Four of them will tie for 2nd place, while there will be one first place.

Now for the disclaimer. Once again, these are my opinions. I used to be a Japanese drama (or dorama) guru, but over this year, I've not had as much time as I would like to watch these wonderful series! Therefore, my choices will be from a small pool that I watched, but these five dramas are all MUST WATCH for young or old, newbie or veterans, boys or girls, etc.

As a note, all images were taken from wiki.d-addicts.com. It's also the place where I find my english subs, for there are hard to come by at times. I like to take the time to thank the subbers out there for their hard work! =D

And now, let's get started! In terms of the "starring" roles, I'll place the actors/actresses that I feel deserve to be in the spot due to the amount of "screen time" they get, or if it's obviously intended for them to be part of the MAIN cast. What I mean by MAIN cast, is those that I consider to play a really significant role to enhance the main character. I will post links to the wikia for those who want the complete list of actors/actresses.

WARNING: There will be spoilers in the following sections!! I'll try my best not to ruin too much of the plot.

#2: Doctor X-2
 Starring: Yonekura Ryoko as Daimon Michiko

I've just finished watching this series about a week ago. The first season was amazing: a lone wolf who goes through the "Ivory Towers" of the Japanese Medical system through the use of her prodigious medical skills. Essentially, she takes crap from no one, which includes higher up managers and directors. She lets her medical skills do the talking, in which she performs miraculous surgeries that no other doctors can perform. Due to these high risk surgeries, she's suspected of being Doctor X: a doctor that performs these unorthodox miracles.

The second season pretty much picks up from the end of the first season. Instead of working as a freelance surgeon in the third satellite hospital for Teito University, Daimon Sensei was sent to the main hospital! Once again, Yonekura picks up the role as the "surgery-crazed" surgeon who is addicted to performing surgery. (If she doesn't perform a surgery after a brief time period, she gets withdrawal symptoms!)

Throughout the entire series, Daimon Sensei continues to perform surgeries after surgeries, with of course the usual controversy as she goes against the high ups. As of course, she gets fired for finally defying her superiors to the point that they can't handle anymore. Unlike the first season, I felt that the second season touched on a much darker aspect of the political scenes behind the Japanese medical system. Now, I'm not claiming to be an expert on the system, so I cannot say how accurate the portrayal from the drama series is, but it does raise some issues like corruption.

Besides the darker side of politics, I felt that there were more character development in terms of the other surgeons beside Daimon Sensei. Take for example, Fujiki Naohito's role as Kondo Shinobu: a surgeon from a third-rate university trying to climb the Ivory Tower of a prestigious medical university. I had mixed feelings for his character throughout the series, for which I think the author/director intended to do so.

Overall, it's a great series, and one that you should watch if you're a big fan of medical dramas. Of course, it is not for the faint of heart for there are surgery scenes within in the show. My only complaint is that it doesn't feel like there was an ending. I hope that means we may see a Season 3? If shows like Kyumei Byoto can have 5 seasons, surely this one can to? =D

#2: Galileo 2

Starring: Fukuyama Masaharu as Yukawa Manabu and Yoshitaka Yuriko as Kishitani Misa

I remember how excited I was when I found out that they were going bring in a second season for Galileo. The first season, special episode and movie were absolutely ingenious. We have Fukuyama Masaharu playing the role of the eccentric genius "Galileo"/Professor Yukawa (or was it Assistant Professor... that I cannot remember). In the first season and movie, he teams up with Detective Utsumi Kaoru (Shibasaki Kou) to figure out weird/paranormal cases in perhaps one of the best team/pairings I've seen in detective dramas. When season 2 was announced and that Shibasaki was going to be replaced... I was initially heartbroken and worried who was going to replace her role. "How can they do this to the pair?!" I thought initially... But then I saw that Yoshitaka was going to replace Shibasaki, and all my anxiety went away.

And truth be told, Yoshitaka as Detective Kishitani, the young, inexperienced, but highly groomed detective, did an excellent job! Once again, we're facing a whole bunch of cases that seemed odd at first, but have a scientific explanation for how it occured (for most of them anyways... the Twin one was definitely a case that even stumped Yukawa).

Since I watched this drama a while back, I cannot remember the ending at all. It must go to show that it wasn't a memorable way to end the series. All in all though, Galileo 2 was a very solid sequel to a excellent first season, special and movie. I'm looking forward for another movie/special to come out! Which, come to think about it, has already happened or is planning to come out... I believe it'll involve both Utsumi and Kishitani...

#2: Legal High 2
Starring Saki Masato as Komikado Kensuke and Aragaki Yui as Mayuzumi Machiko

Ahhh... the series that reflect most of the troll/parodying anime series known as Gintama. I haven't finished this series yet, but I was surprised to see the references they made to some other drama series (ie: Galileo!!). Besides all the trolling (the ending of the first season was HILARIOUS), it has the touching aspects that Gintama had to offer.

Once again, Saki takes on the role of Komikado: the lawyer who will take any means to win a court case. Of course, Komikado is a genius as well. He may have some cards up his sleeves, but he can talk the talk, and manipulative the oppositional legal side to win a case. What was different about the start of this series however, was Komikado losing his first case! Technically, it's not a lost, since there's the appeal to the Supreme Court, but it really brought him down.

I have to say that the first episode of this season wasn't to my expectations, but the following episodes quickly reminded me of what made the first season so amazing: witty and silly humor for a law based drama. Perhaps Komikado is not Kimura Takuya's Kuryu in HERO, for he's a person you do not want to emulate... but like Mayuzumi's father said: "Thank you for showing my daughter what not to be" (loose quotes, since I don't remember the quote exactly).

The dynamics are also a bit interesting, for there's a seemingly love triangle between Mayuzumi, Komikado and another prosecutor-turned-lawyer, Hanyu Haruki (Okada Masaki). It's a bit of a cringe to me because I really dislike love triangles. However, as the series is going so far, it's not playing a significant factor (yet).

And of course, Saki Masato's facial expressions is just priceless.

#2: Tonbi
Starring: Uchino Masaaki as Ichikawa Yasuo

The last drama in my 4-way tie for second: Tonbi. From what I recall, Tonbi stands for Kite in English. A kite (not the one that people fly) is a type of bird, similar to a hawk. Throughout the drama series, we see a hawk flying with a tonbi. The interpretation behind the two flying is to symbolize the relationship between the father (Uchino) and his son. (The drama goes deeper into the interpretation, so I won't ruin it if you do watch it. =) )

Essentially, the story of Tonbi is about a "dumb-witted" father raising his only son after his wife dies from an accident. The father, Ichikawa Yasuo, is considered dumb because he didn't do well in school, highly stubborn and can be easily fooled at times. Besides all his faults, Yasuo does have a kind heart. He takes care of his son with the help of his friends in the small town they live in.

I haven't been watching a lot of family dramas recently due to all the high action medical/detective stories that were out there for this year. Tonbi was quite the change of pace, for there was little action involved, save for the couple of cliff hangers near the end of the series. Instead, the drama opted to focus on the development of the son, Akira (played by numerous actors to portray the different ages) through Yasuo's interaction. And of course, there was lots of learning to for Yasuo as he struggles to accept the death of his beloved wife and raising of his only son.

To me, it was the simple-minded character of Yasuo, beautifully portrayed by award winning actor Uchino, that really hooked me to this drama. The viewers can obviously tell that he has much love for his son. Also, Yasuo's stubbornness can bring out laughs for you wonder how can somebody be so "old-fashioned". Yet Yasuo's character is one that I simply cannot dislike. There were hints from Uchino's Sakamoto Ryoma from Jin (another drama) being channeled into this role... but essentially what I'm saying is that one has empathy (not sympathy) with Yasuo's character. And that was perhaps the winning part of the series that was unlike most of the other dramas I watched in recent time.

Besides Yasuo's character, I was able to reflect much on the theme of a father and son's relationship. Granted, I'm fortunate to live with both parents, but there are scenes within the drama that I can relate to. Overall, Tonbi is a must watch. It was not the story that won it for me, rather the character of Ichikawa Yasuo. Even to this day, the ending still sticks out to me. It's perhaps one of the most heartwarming endings that I've seen in over the 100+ drama series I've watched to date.

#1: Hanzawa Naoki
Starring: Sakai Masato as Hanzawa Naoki

It's highly unusual for drama series' episode to reach 40% viewership in recent times. The last time a drama episode reached 40% was 2011's Kaseifu no Mita. (And before that, I don't recall when a drama had a rating that high). When I heard that Hanzawa Naoki's last episode reached 42.2%, I knew I had to watch this series.

And I was definitely not disappointed. Hanzawa Naoki is my favorite drama for 2013, and definitely in my all time top 5 drama list (which will of course keep updating as I watch more and more series). It had an amazing cast, amazing theme song, amazing arcs (two of them) and just so much more. There isn't anything for me to criticize about this drama series. I even loved the ending, which was so ambiguous to me. (I doubt there will be a second season, but perhaps a movie to give it a sense of finality?)

What makes this drama so special? Perhaps it's due to the main and titled character: Hanzawa Naoki. After doing some research, I stumbled across an article written by Professor Usami Takeshi of Chuo University. You can read his article by clicking here. He's a professor of Modern Literature with a specialization on Modern Japanese Literature. Professor Usami speculates that Hanzawa Naoki sends a message of resilience as Japan recovers from the financial crisis of 2008 and the recent earthquake in 2011.

To me, it makes perfect sense. Like what Professor Usami says, a person probably doesn't get screwed over that badly from their superiors, but many people go through life working with certain individuals that give them grief. (For the record, I am NOT experiencing any particular grief at the moment from work, but I have experienced it before.) This drama offers them an escape, giving them something to perhaps fantasy about, as Hanzawa goes against the hierarchy within his bank to squash the corruption that puts his own job at jeopardy.

Essentially, Hanzawa Naoki is a drama about an investment banker (I believe that's his role... nevertheless he's a banker) who gets pinned for losing 500 million yen to a "reliable" company. At no fault of his own, Hanzawa has to retrieve the money back or risk losing his job. And the only way to do that, is for him to comply to such an outrageous task, but through his own means.

And that, was just the first arc. The second arc is similar, but on such a larger scale.

Overall, Hanzawa Naoki is a drama that has an intellectual, thrilling plot that keeps you riveted to the spot. The cast does a great job to move the storyline along, but I would say that Sakai's portrayal of Hanzawa takes the cake. (For those who are still awake from reading my blog may notice that Sakai Masato also plays the troll lawyer Komikado! Quite the shift of character!) He goes through such trials, even betrayals from his own close friend... but that doesn't stop him at all. (And the part where the two meet was greatly scripted!) I simply can't justify the series through my words. I know that I stated that you MUST watch all these dramas on my top 5 list, but if you only have time for one... this is the one. It's not only for those who enjoy thrillers, or salaryman type dramas... but it is for all to watch.

I don't think I'll ever see such another compelling drama for a long time to come.

And that marks the end of my review post! It took a lot longer than I thought it would take (I was working on this till almost 1 AM yesterday, thus I took a break and worked on it today for a good hour or more), but there you have it! I'm not sure what 2014 is offering in terms of dramas, but I will set aside time to watch for sure! 

For everyone, I wish you well for 2014!

Monday 30 December 2013

David's Top 5 Kpop Songs for 2013

2013 has seen a large shift in terms of my musical tastes. Besides BoA, Se7en, Rain/Bi and FTTS, I never really listened to Korean music. I was mostly Japanese, with the likes of BoA, Ayumi Hamasaki, Namie Amuro, Moumoon (a big find in the latter parts of 2012), Yuna Ito, etc.

I was always for the solo singers, for I always felt that groups weren't as talented. Ever since playing Ahri on League of Legends and realizing that her dance was based on SNSD's Run Devil Run... I became hooked onto Kpop music. 

Of course, I can go on and on, but I won't bored you with my foray into Korean music. Let's start get started with my top 5 Korean songs for 2013! Once again, this is my opinion. Yes, there are probably many other songs out there that are better than the songs I listed, but I didn't put them down on my list because

1) I never heard of them (I'm still a Kpop newbie)
2) I'm not interested in the group/artist (To this day, I still prefer a woman's voice to a man's in pop music)
3) Being biased to certain groups may have play a significant factor in my list. (=P)

Now I got that out of the way, let's really start now!

#5: SNSD/Girl's Generation - I Got a Boy
I admit... I'm a huge SNSD fan. I'm not quite a SONE (their fan group), but I really like Girl's Generation. I was immensely pleased when they won theVideo of the Year award at the YouTube awards (or whatever it's called). I can't say I heard a song as unique as this song. It has a variety of different tempos, and the music video was very colourful/eccentric. It took a while for me to get used to the song, and to this day I still don't have it on my iPhone, but I'm considering the possibility for it making a showing on my phone. 

It's a good song, and despite SNSD being my favourite group, it's not my number one song for the year! As stated previously, it took a while for me to get used to the concept of the song. 

#4: Sistar - Give it to Me
 Personally, I always thought that Sistar should be renamed "Hyorin featuring Sistar" since the leader of the group just overpowers everyone with her vocals. However, with this song, I felt that each member had a bigger part to sing in the song. Sistar's Give it to Me starts off strong with a G minor chord to Soyu's interlude/beginning/whatever-its-called. The chorus is great and the choreography is even better. And Dasom even has a pretty decent part in the song!

And I can see why Bora is considered to be the visual of the group. I have to say that she looked stunning in the video. 

To my ears, it's better than I Got a Boy. I was initially hooked to the song, but I have to admit that I don't listen to it as much as I used to.

#3: Ladies Code - Bad Girl
This group is a relatively new find for me. I only became aware of their awareness a week ago when I heard this song being played on my brother's computer. From what I know, Ladies Code debuted in March of this year. Ladies Code's Bad Girl is, I would classify, a upbeat Jazzy-like tune. A very catchy beat ensures after a strong piano open. 

At first, it sounded like a good, but typical song. When the main vocalist, Sojung, started singing... she just blew my mind. Her voice is one of a kind! The rest of the members sounded strong themselves, but Sojung is one of a kind. You'll have to give this a song a try if you haven't done so already! Sojung is the one with the blonde hair by the way.

#2: Kara - Damaged Lady
I posted a detailed review of the song and MV on September 6th for those who are interested in reading something more in-depth! As of today, this still happens to be my favorite Kara song. True, it's a song about being bitter after a break up, but the melody and music video were simply amazing. The drastic difference between their Queen costumes and White-shirt-and-tie created a nice visual contrast. 

Go girls go! It's going to be sad to see the group of 5 be reduced to potentially a group of 3 (I'm not sure what Jiyoung is planning to do since I'm not really up to date with the news). Best of luck to Nicole on whatever she's planning to do!

#1: Song Ji Eun - False Hope 
Song Ji Eun, the main vocalist of Secret, has done an incredible job with her 3rd single: False Hope. (To be honest, I'm still not quite sure what it's called, so let's just keep it to False Hope). I also wrote a detailed review of the song and music video on September 30th. 

The music and the video topped my list for best Kpop song for the year. It's really a shame that Song Ji Eun is underrated. Her voice is simply amazing. She may not be as powerful as Ailee or Hyorin, but her voice reminds me of crystal. I never heard such a clear tone before. 

Besides her tone, the MV, I found, happened to be very symbolic and well made. One of the best pieces for sure in 2013. If you haven't had the chance to listen to it, you should really take some time to do so! I think this is the most played song on my Korean list in iTunes.

Honourable Mentions for 2013
IU - Red Shoes (Quite the change from her cutesy work!)

Secret - I do I do (Interesting one-shot music video. Definitely better than their Yoo Hoo single they released in the Spring)

Kara - Runaway (A balladish song with a nice flowing melody)

Sunday 29 December 2013

Wow look at the time!

It's nearly 12 AM! Thus, I'll post my top 5 blog (blogsssss technically since I didn't do one today) for tomorrow. I guess it'll be on dramas and music (aka Kpop since I mostly listened to Kpop in 2013).

Other than that, the year is coming to a close!

Saturday 28 December 2013

One week done

And so ends the first week of break! It was quite a good week for I was able to meet up with friends and family. I'm also on track in terms of my "work schedule" that I've set aside for myself! This next week though will be quite busy... but hopefully I'll have enough time to get what I want to get done! The more work I put in now, the easier the start of the new year should be for me! =)

Starting from tomorrow, I'll list out my top 10 list for the year! Of course, it'll mostly be entertainment related! =P Or if I'm really feeling up to it... maybe multiple lists? I highly doubt it though...

Friday 27 December 2013

Too many passwords >_>

First world problem.

I have too many different passwords to remember. And too many different email accounts as well to remember which email account I used to sign up for a site/forum, and which password I used for that particular site.

One day, I need to find a way to organize it so I don't get as confused.

One day...

But other than that issue, I can't believe it's Friday already! Once again, my plan to wake up early has been foiled but my lack of motivation to get work done! I tried moving my alarm clock away from me in hope that walking around my room to turn it off will wake me up enough.

Unfortunately, that wasn't the case. I ended up turning off my phone and falling asleep again...

Perhaps I need to place my phone further away... Maybe I'll be able to wake up this way!

Thursday 26 December 2013

Boxing Day 2013

Like the past couple of years, I spent my Boxing Day by...

Sleeping in.

I think I got up at around 11 PM today... despite setting my alarm for 7.

Either way, I managed to do a good deal of work. And when I thought I was caught up on schedule... I realized there was a bunch of sheets to be marked still. Ah well, I guess I can do them tomorrow (or in a couple of hours since it's already Friday!).

Break is going by toooooo quickly. >_>

Wednesday 25 December 2013

Merry Christmas 2013!

My apologies for the lack of posting over the past couple of days! I've been playing LoL till midnight essentially, thus leaving me tired. Of course I could blog earlier... but I've gotta make excuses to justify my laziness.

The past couple days of my Winter Break has been pretty busy. I've either been going out to celebrate the winter holiday with friends, or doing some work at home (which I haven't been able to do as much as I hoped...) or relaxing with gaming or dramas. There was only one day (Sunday) which I felt like I didn't accomplish anything significant.

As for Christmas today, I had a family get together at a cousin's house. It was great to see relatives that I haven't seen in a while. There was a lot of food and drink, which definitely helped with the festive cheer that I haven't really felt this year for some odd reason.

Besides that, I've finished a drama series that I started on Sunday: Doctor X Season 2! Once again, we have Daimon Michiko, the "lone wolf" doctor that defies the ivory towers of the Japanese medical system. I felt that this season touched more on the political side of medicine in Japan (not sure how accurate it is since I'm neither a doctor, nor living in Japan) when compared to the first season. There was also more character development I felt in terms of some of the supporting actors, such as a doctor from a third-rate university trying to climb the ropes to become head of a prestigious medical university.

The ending was good, though not as great as the first season in my opinion. I won't get into much detail, but it felt incomplete... like the series could keep on going. Nevertheless, it was a great sequel to a really strong first season! Now onto my next drama: Legal High 2! Gotta watch these shows before things get busy again in January!

And that's that for today! Merry Christmas to all! And for those that don't celebrate Christmas, Happy Holidays! I'll try to blog daily from now on. Gotta get back to a normal sleep cycle soon...

Sunday 15 December 2013

Past couple of days have been a blur!

After Tuesday last week, everything was just a blur! I've been busy with things, thus my apologies for not blogging for a while. =(

I have to say that I'm glad that Winter Break is coming up! I'll have time to recuperate and prepare myself for the new year. I'll definitely have a blog post on the 31st to reflect upon this crazy, though life changing year that I've had!

Since my blogpost is so short, here's a picture for today. I took it a while back while League of Legends had their Mystery Gift option still available. Essentially, you pay 490 RP points for a random skin. You must have that champion in your roster, but it's a pretty sweet way to get expensive skins for a cheap price. Of course, the only downside is that it's random... so you may end up with skins that you absolutely do not want (I'm looking at you Sanguine and Dreadknight Garen... I don't even use you!). My luck hasn't been so bad, for I got some nice skins like Officer Caitlyn, Amethyst Ashe, Panda Annie, etc.

The best skin, or the one that costed the most, had to be this though!

It's a good thing I started playing Teemo top before getting this skin!

Tuesday 10 December 2013

Compared to yesterday... It's Tuesday already?!? And crazy drivers!

Somehow, I couldn't believe that it was Tuesday today! Somehow, it felt like a Monday...

So my morning started off bright and early. The roads are slippery due to the recent snow storm/cold weather that we've been having in Calgary.

Since there was no falling snow, apparently people thought it was okay to drive at speed, or even FASTER than limit. I had about three close shaves today. First off, I was driving 10 under, but some guy thought it was okay to zoom past me and cut me off. It was interesting to see him swerve as he had to stop for a red light.

Next off, I was driving down a road and some SUV off a side road zips through to make the right turn onto the main road that I was on. Sure, it would be alright, but due to his fast speed, his car automatically slides to my lane. If I haven't had my foot on the brake pedal (I assumed that something crazily stupid would happen), I would have rear ended him. Thank goodness though that my tires had enough grip and that traction control and ABS kept me in a straight line. Besides a potential rear end accident, I would have swerved onto oncoming traffic.

My last encounter was when I was coming home. I was behind some traffic at a red light. There were no cars behind me. All of a sudden, I see a SUV fast approaching me, with apparently no intention of stopping...

With my heart racing, and no apparent signs of the guy slowing down (he slammed on his brake I think since he started to swerve), I moved my car to the right. It turned out that he was going to the far left lane so he can make a left turn. Either way, it scared the living daylights out of me.

Once again, enough ranting for one day. But seriously... I think some common sense is needed for some drivers. Just because there's no new snow falling doesn't mean the roads are justified for you to drive like how you would drive during the summer.

Monday 9 December 2013

It's only Monday?

Man I'm exhausted.

I really thought today was at least Wednesday...

But in reality, it's only Monday.

I hope I can last for the rest of the week... It's been a busy day, but I guess that's what life is about.

Once again, thank goodness that the winter break is fast approaching!

Sunday 8 December 2013

Kata Tournament 2013!

Today once again marks the annual Kata tournament. The brown/black belt division seemed a little bit bare today, but it still stretched on for the entire hour and a halfish. The other two divisions had a whole bunch of students today. 

Overall, it was a great experience once again! There were some new faces that went far in the tournament, which I hope was a morale boost to them! I believe we also had some new winners this year for each division. Congratulations to all! 

And onto some sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a loooooooong day. =/

Saturday 7 December 2013

Winter Chill is lifting!

It was a lot warmer in the evening today in comparison to how the week went by! After coming home from work, it was a lot warmer than I thought it would be. I didn't have to don on my gloves as I walked from the car to my back door.

T'was a typical Saturday. Volunteered, did some work, went to go teach piano, etc. Only thing that's really interesting at the moment are the upcoming albums from Secret and SNSD. I can't say I'm really feeling the holiday cheer at the moment, but I guess I will soon! I wonder if I should venture out to malls to see the chaos of Christmas shopping (I wonder how bad it is at this time of the month), or stay at home and just do more work... =P

Wednesday 4 December 2013

So much snow...

It finally stopped snowing yesterday, but we had such a huge snow fall since Monday! Snow everywhere. There were many people stuck in front of my house yesterday. Some Good Samaritans in huge pick up trucks were towing cars out of the snow drifts since there was a tow ban in my city.

Besides the snow, everything is same old. Can't wait for Winter Break though! It's going to be a blast hopefully! ^_^

And then hopefully I can spice up my blogs. I've been saying it for a while, but I realize that my posts are quite uninteresting at the moment...

Monday 2 December 2013

Going to bed before 10??

I think this is a first for me! Going to sleep before 10 PM.

I've been busy the past couple of days getting stuff ready for today! Loads of things accomplished, though a lot of room for growth.

In a sense, this blizzard was a blessing =P. But I can't say the same for the drive...

And now off to sleep! Tomorrow is going to be another chaotic day in terms of driving...