Wednesday 25 December 2013

Merry Christmas 2013!

My apologies for the lack of posting over the past couple of days! I've been playing LoL till midnight essentially, thus leaving me tired. Of course I could blog earlier... but I've gotta make excuses to justify my laziness.

The past couple days of my Winter Break has been pretty busy. I've either been going out to celebrate the winter holiday with friends, or doing some work at home (which I haven't been able to do as much as I hoped...) or relaxing with gaming or dramas. There was only one day (Sunday) which I felt like I didn't accomplish anything significant.

As for Christmas today, I had a family get together at a cousin's house. It was great to see relatives that I haven't seen in a while. There was a lot of food and drink, which definitely helped with the festive cheer that I haven't really felt this year for some odd reason.

Besides that, I've finished a drama series that I started on Sunday: Doctor X Season 2! Once again, we have Daimon Michiko, the "lone wolf" doctor that defies the ivory towers of the Japanese medical system. I felt that this season touched more on the political side of medicine in Japan (not sure how accurate it is since I'm neither a doctor, nor living in Japan) when compared to the first season. There was also more character development I felt in terms of some of the supporting actors, such as a doctor from a third-rate university trying to climb the ropes to become head of a prestigious medical university.

The ending was good, though not as great as the first season in my opinion. I won't get into much detail, but it felt incomplete... like the series could keep on going. Nevertheless, it was a great sequel to a really strong first season! Now onto my next drama: Legal High 2! Gotta watch these shows before things get busy again in January!

And that's that for today! Merry Christmas to all! And for those that don't celebrate Christmas, Happy Holidays! I'll try to blog daily from now on. Gotta get back to a normal sleep cycle soon...

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