Friday 27 December 2013

Too many passwords >_>

First world problem.

I have too many different passwords to remember. And too many different email accounts as well to remember which email account I used to sign up for a site/forum, and which password I used for that particular site.

One day, I need to find a way to organize it so I don't get as confused.

One day...

But other than that issue, I can't believe it's Friday already! Once again, my plan to wake up early has been foiled but my lack of motivation to get work done! I tried moving my alarm clock away from me in hope that walking around my room to turn it off will wake me up enough.

Unfortunately, that wasn't the case. I ended up turning off my phone and falling asleep again...

Perhaps I need to place my phone further away... Maybe I'll be able to wake up this way!

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