Tuesday 10 December 2013

Compared to yesterday... It's Tuesday already?!? And crazy drivers!

Somehow, I couldn't believe that it was Tuesday today! Somehow, it felt like a Monday...

So my morning started off bright and early. The roads are slippery due to the recent snow storm/cold weather that we've been having in Calgary.

Since there was no falling snow, apparently people thought it was okay to drive at speed, or even FASTER than limit. I had about three close shaves today. First off, I was driving 10 under, but some guy thought it was okay to zoom past me and cut me off. It was interesting to see him swerve as he had to stop for a red light.

Next off, I was driving down a road and some SUV off a side road zips through to make the right turn onto the main road that I was on. Sure, it would be alright, but due to his fast speed, his car automatically slides to my lane. If I haven't had my foot on the brake pedal (I assumed that something crazily stupid would happen), I would have rear ended him. Thank goodness though that my tires had enough grip and that traction control and ABS kept me in a straight line. Besides a potential rear end accident, I would have swerved onto oncoming traffic.

My last encounter was when I was coming home. I was behind some traffic at a red light. There were no cars behind me. All of a sudden, I see a SUV fast approaching me, with apparently no intention of stopping...

With my heart racing, and no apparent signs of the guy slowing down (he slammed on his brake I think since he started to swerve), I moved my car to the right. It turned out that he was going to the far left lane so he can make a left turn. Either way, it scared the living daylights out of me.

Once again, enough ranting for one day. But seriously... I think some common sense is needed for some drivers. Just because there's no new snow falling doesn't mean the roads are justified for you to drive like how you would drive during the summer.

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