Sunday 15 December 2013

Past couple of days have been a blur!

After Tuesday last week, everything was just a blur! I've been busy with things, thus my apologies for not blogging for a while. =(

I have to say that I'm glad that Winter Break is coming up! I'll have time to recuperate and prepare myself for the new year. I'll definitely have a blog post on the 31st to reflect upon this crazy, though life changing year that I've had!

Since my blogpost is so short, here's a picture for today. I took it a while back while League of Legends had their Mystery Gift option still available. Essentially, you pay 490 RP points for a random skin. You must have that champion in your roster, but it's a pretty sweet way to get expensive skins for a cheap price. Of course, the only downside is that it's random... so you may end up with skins that you absolutely do not want (I'm looking at you Sanguine and Dreadknight Garen... I don't even use you!). My luck hasn't been so bad, for I got some nice skins like Officer Caitlyn, Amethyst Ashe, Panda Annie, etc.

The best skin, or the one that costed the most, had to be this though!

It's a good thing I started playing Teemo top before getting this skin!

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