Thursday 30 April 2015

3 plates

I finally touched 3 plates (315 pounds) during my deadlift session today at the gym. They weren't the prettiest, nor was I able to do more than one rep in a set... yet I was able to reach new heights!

I can still recall how I started last August, having troubles lifting 25 pounds (95 pounds in total).

Progress made! =)

Enough boasting for today. Tired once more. >_>

Thank goodness tomorrow is Friday.

Wednesday 29 April 2015

End of Badminton Season

After 3-4ish weeks of training and 4 tournaments (including today), badminton season is finally over. We weren't able to achieve any podium standings, but most of them gave a good fight.

I was pleasantly surprised that most of my older students placed in the top 2 in the round robin match. Unfortunately, they weren't able to carry on their momentum for the play offs, but there's always room for improvement next year. I feel like a general manager with a hockey team.

Almost like a rebuilding season, but not quite.

I'm quite pooped since it has been a long day... so that's all for now!

Tuesday 28 April 2015

Throwback Tuesdays

I know they're supposed to be called Throwback Thursdays, but I've been recently listening to a bunch of old J-pop songs sung by Hitomi Shimatani.

She has a pretty strong voice in my opinion. Brought back memories from my Inuyasha days.

Credits:  (For the picture)

Monday 27 April 2015

Is it bad to start a countdown now with about 9 and a half weeks left?

In reality, less since final exams are occurring earlier this year.

At a meeting today, we were discussing end of year celebrations! Made me wonder if I should start my countdown early...

Besides work, it was a Monday, thus workout day. We arrived there earlier than usual, thus meaning we got out earlier than usual. It was still quite busy. =/

After working out, I managed to get some projects marked... falling really behind due to badminton season.

Just a couple more days left before badminton is over!

Saturday 25 April 2015

Totally unexpected...

To be honest, I didn't expect Calgary to come back from a 3-0 deficit. Well done Flames!

Other than not watching the hockey game (caught bits of it from others), my Saturday was pretty much a typical day. Taught piano, picked up some karate equipment and went to go workout. After not squatting for a week, it was tough to get back into the swing of things. I could only comfortably do sets of 70. I even somehow managed to get in a 2-rep set of 90s... though it wasn't really clean.

After working out, I got ready to go to my grandma's nursing home to celebrate her birthday. There was cake and other treats. It was also a time to catch up with relatives that I haven't seen in a while.

And now LoL! No work was done today.

And for sure... I will regret it tomorrow. =/

A marking day it will be tomorrow!

Wednesday 22 April 2015

Three tournaments done... one more to go

Third badminton tournament in less than a week today.

I felt like the students who played in all 3 were a bit more comfortable. We even had a 2nd place finisher today!

And so it's time to make the final cut for next week's championships.

Too tired to do work...

I'll catch up...


Monday 20 April 2015

Cheap racquets are not meant for clears

After the singles badminton tournament today, I rallied with a few of my students. One of them gave me a recreational backyard racquet  

It was cheap and heavy, and felt a bit weird to use. 

I now know why it's used only for small hits/backyard play...

I was going for a clear shot and the shaft broke from the handle. The top part of the racquet went flying to the spectators. I was so scared that it would hit someone in the head, but fortunately it just hit a bunch of shelves in the back. 

So lesson is: keep those racquets for light play!

Sunday 19 April 2015

The feels

After finishing Doctor X-3 over spring break, I made a vow not to watch another drama series till summer break because I didn't want TV to "waste" my time.

So instead of watching dramas... I resorted to watching anime series. I'm not sure how many series I've watched so far over the past two weeks... but I can say that it was tough keeping it down to two episodes a day.

Most recently, as in 20 minutes ago, I finished watching Golden Time. I initially thought it was an anime series about a girl solving law cases or something (since the promo pictures focuses on the main heroine, Kaga Koko) and it said law (didn't read school). I admit I was a bit disappointed when it turned out to be a romance series, since I've grown out of watching these anime/drama series.

Lo and behold, the show wasn't too bad! It had it's moments, though a questionable plot device and a cliche ending (though I really loved the ending). Not enough for me to give it a review, but enough for me to mention/recommend it to those who like rom-com shows.

Nevertheless, good start, alright middle, weak climax, but awesome cliche ending.

The feels indeed!

Thursday 16 April 2015

Welcome back Gintama!

It came out last week (not sure if I mentioned it), but I thought of watching it on Crunchyroll instead of download the episodes.

After watching the start of the 7th season (or I think they call it Gintama' Season 3?), I knew I couldn't wait for the free version of the 2nd episode. I quickly found a site and downloaded the subbed episode.

And boy was I not disappointed.

Trolling at its finest.

Wednesday 15 April 2015

This is what happens when I get hooked to a show...

Not the most interesting anime I've seen, but a decent watch so far. I really like the intro to the ending theme though!

Monday 13 April 2015

Field trip = ripped pants =(

Field trips = feeling young = feeling foolish = climbing on rocks when you shouldn't = ripped new pants. 

Sad life =(

Sunday 12 April 2015

Lazy April Sunday

So much for working today!

After karate, I went home and watched Ip Man Grandmaster, since I'll be away on a field trip tomorrow, thus needing something for the substitute to show my karate class. I didn't like it as much as the 2008 version of Ip Man, so I ended up playing it at 2.5 x speed on VLC. I finished the movie in less than an hour!

After watching the movie, I made up little schedules for badminton since we're playing in a number of tournaments this year, but not everyone is playing in the same tournaments. It took a while, but I compensated it with listening to classical music found in Your Lie in April (still have that hype).

And after that, it was off to play more MH4U. I finished the low rank quests, which allows me to move onto High Rank, and onto my next high rank armor set! =)

Productive, yet perhaps not in the way it should have been. =/

Saturday 11 April 2015

Automotive Spring

The weather has been quite warm over the past couple of days/weeks. That made it necessary for us to swap out the winter tires and place in our all-season ones.

It took us a good portion of the day, since my dad changed the brakes on his car as well.

After that, it was off to playing MH4U. I didn't feel like lesson planning today...

Which will come back to haunt me tomorrow.

Friday 10 April 2015


Not sure of what I think about this latest MV from Girl's Generation.

Not sure if you can call this much of a song...

Thursday 9 April 2015


I had a sudden deadline popup today, and with a full day of classes... it was hard to meet the deadline.

Fortunately, I was able to alter my plan for my last period class (Karate), which allowed me some time to work on my deadline.

If all goes well, it should be an exciting week next week! =)

And now off to sleep. I had a short workout today, but I'm feeling quite tired.

Wednesday 8 April 2015


A normal day at work. After work, I went to a meeting, though I wasn't able to stay for the entire time due to an appointment I had to pick up some items for the unit I'm teaching in science.

I then somehow forgot to go shopping for other school supplies...

Whoops.... >_>

And now to improvise for tomorrow... We'll have to delay some of the student's plant labs a bit... >_<

I really need to use my calendar on my phone more.,..

Tuesday 7 April 2015

Memorable 26th Birthday

As I age, I give less notice to my birthday. It becomes just another day. Perhaps I'm subconsciously afraid of growing old, or some other reason... but my birthday seemed to lose its significance.

Today started off like any other day. Some of my students remembered it was my birthday today, so they gave me their well wishes.

The day proceeded to go as any other day. Some of the younger students I teach came to me during their lunch break to give me cards and flowers. It was unexpected, but very touching.

During lunch, I was called down to the office. It was an unusual situation since I normally get messages on the phone. Little did I know that I was in for a surprise!

As I walk back down the hall, back to my classroom with my vice principal, along came a surprise that a couple of my homeroom students set up!

It was an extremely touching moment. One that I think I'll remember for the rest of my teaching career.

And once again... it gave somewhat of a "meaning" to this day. It felt special once more. =)

Darn, photo is sideways, but it's my favourite card!

Monday 6 April 2015

PD Monday

For the first time in my career, I took the day off school to attend a PD session.

The session was a beginner's guide to Google and the various apps it had to support education. For the most part, it was review from what I knew before. I learned a couple new tricks, but it didn't really feel that it was worth my time.

After PD, I went and did my usual workout. No new gains really, but I was able to sustain what I currently have. 

Progress will come in due time!

And tis marks my last blog post at a quarter of a century years old...

Sunday 5 April 2015

Easter Sunday 2015

For those of you that observe Easter, Happy Easter! 

I managed to finish all of my marking today! After marking, it was off to volunteering. Due to it being Easter, it was quieter than normal. 

After volunteering, I came home to play a couple games of URF on LoL.

So chaotic, yet so fun and unbalanced.

And now off to sleep! My head hurts for some reason. =/

Saturday 4 April 2015

Sinful Weekend

I have sinned.

Yesterday,I ingested nearly 3000 calories. That's almost twice as much as I normally eat, over the past couple of days. I went to Costco to purchase a hot dog, a slice of pizza and a poutine. To top that off, I had a bowl of pho after watching Furious 7. (Much better than the only other 2 I saw in the franchise in my opinion  -- FF 1 and Tokyo Drift).

After pho, it was off for bubble tea...

Good start to the weekend!

As for today, I finished watching The Seven Deadly Sins. It's a typical shonen series, but there's some kick-butt fight scenes!

And that's my sinful weekend so far.

Wednesday 1 April 2015

April Fool's 2015

1/4 of the year gone already! Well I guess not gone, since that sounds negative.

More like 1/4 of the year has been completed! Or... 1/4 of the year has passed by in the blink of an eye...

Anyways... April Fools! Students were trying to pull pranks left, right and center. I was fooled a couple of times, but they kept coming at me with the same tricks.

Fool me once, shame on you... fool me twice, shame me...

Not sure if that really captured the sediment that I had for today.

Either way, it was a an interesting day! I had to say that the youngest kids had the best pranks! They loved pranking each other!