Wednesday 30 December 2015

Day 12 - Both arms done!

Same routine as a normal Winter Break 2015 day. Woke up, exercised, and built my gundam. Due to a self-diagnosis of chilblains on my toes, I've been trying to keep my feet warm. So far, my toes seem to be recovering, with a new recent case yesterday on my left 2nd toe. =/

Hopefully they'll recover fully soon!

Just head, backpack, weapons and stickers now!

Duration: 3 hrs (Total: 28 h 20 m)

Tuesday 29 December 2015

Day 11 - One arm done

Went to go see Star Wars today. Well made in my opinion.

Worked on the arm today... took about 4 hours in all. Pretty much took up my entire today. I have to admit I feel rather fatigue from building this PG. Another factor could be due to the headache I have after watching Star Wars in 3D. I'm still not adjusted to watching 3D movies.

Duration: 4 hrs (Total: 25 h 20 m)

Monday 28 December 2015

Day 10 - Time seems to just fly!

Didn't have time to build the arms today unfortunately.

I woke up, got a hair cut, went to work out, and then went out to eat.

And essentially... that was my entire day! I seriously have no idea where time went!

Sunday 27 December 2015

Day 9 - Waist and test

Spent approximately 4 hours today on the waist. The wiring was considerably easier than it looked in the instruction manual.

And it lights up so far! No major mistakes yet! *knock on wood*

One week of break left.

Duration 4 hours (Total: 21 h 20 m)

Saturday 26 December 2015

Day 8 - Finally finished legs

Took me about 3 and a half hours to finish building the leg and wiring it.

Wiring was, overall, shorter than the first leg. I had to redo it a couple times, however, since I kept mixing up the direction of the wires.

Other than that, it was a pretty relaxing boxing day. The gym was somewhat empty. My back is hurting from all the dead lifts I did today...

Duration: 3h 30 min (Total: 17 h 20 m)

Friday 25 December 2015

Day 7 - Christmas

Merry Christmas to all! It was a very relaxing day in which I ate a lot and practically did nothing else.

The end of the year is near. It went by far quicker than 2014.

I'll resume my gundam building tomorrow!

Thursday 24 December 2015

Day 6 - Legs Day 3

Not much was built today. I finished the other foot. It took less time than the first foot. I spent approximately 1 hour and 20 minutes. 

Duration 1 h 20 min (Total time: 13 h 50 min)

Its hard to see, but I dunno why Bandai asks you to use a hard connector on one side and a soft connector on the other. Must be for joint rigidity or something... It makes it awfully hard to fit a circular peg into a hexagonal washer. 

Wednesday 23 December 2015

Day 5 - Legs Part 2

Finished one leg today. It took an additional 3 hours or so to finish. The wiring wasn't as bad as I thought it would be though. 

Fortunately, it seemed to tuck into place quite nicely. 

Duration: 3 hours (Total: 15 hours 30 minutes)

Besides building Gundams, I managed to fit in quite a bit today. Worked out, finished One Punch Man, watch an episode of Shimatachi Rocket, and finish some chores. Productive day indeed 

Tuesday 22 December 2015

Day 4 - Legs

Woke up bright and early to work on 

After 5 hours, I manage to finish one foot (2 hours) and the skeleton for one of the legs. I haven't even started the wiring part... =\

Hopefully the other leg will be a lot quicker to complete. Despite all the hours, it does look amazing. 

Besides Gundam building, I went out for lunch and worked out. Can't believe it's nearly Wednesday already!

Monday 21 December 2015

Day 3 - LED Wiring can be quite frustrating

Woke up at a time that I would normally wake up for work. I initially had plans to wake up early to work on Unicorn, but I ended up sleeping in till 8:30. It took me essentially 3 hours to complete the last couple of steps for the torso.

The wiring took quite a bit of time for me. I had difficulties latching in the small wires with my hands. Thank goodness Bandai included a tool separator/pusher thingy to help. It essentially works as a lever. I then had difficulties latching on the exterior armor, but after some wiggling... I managed to place the pieces on. PG kits seem a lot more durable than RG kits. (Knock on wood)

Duration 3 hrs (Total Time: 7 h 30 min)

Sunday 20 December 2015

Day 2 - Frustrating Shoulder Joints

Last karate class for the year! After lunch, and a couple games of LoL, it was off to build the torso region of Unicorn. 

A lot more runners than the stand for sure. It was a complicated, and at times, frustrating build. Despite not painting this kit, I had troubles snapping in certain pieces. 

This piece for the shoulder joint took me about 30 minutes to snap on... I had troubles sliding these small pieces into another equally small piece. Worse part was that there were two shoulder joints to build. The second one took 30 minutes as well to snap on...

Another shoulder piece. Make sure that the 30-minutes-to-put-together-one-part fits SNUGLY. I had to rely on videos online to help. Thanks Syd from Hobbylink Japan for your build guide!

90% of the torso took nearly 4 hours. I lost track of the time as I took breaks the ought the ordeal. 

Duration: 4 hours. (Total time: 4h 30 mins)

Saturday 19 December 2015

Day 1 - Stand

Pretty average Saturday despite the start of Winter Break 2015. Got up and worked out for a couple hours followed by lunch and an episode of Owari no Seraph. I can't say I'm very pleased with their progression (in comparison to Gintama's Shogun Assassination Arc). 

I also started watching Shimatani Rocket (if I got the title correct). Long first episode, but very like Roosevelt Game and Hanzawa Naoki in which the producer was the same. 

I started building Unicorn today. 

I believe it was 46 runners, less than Strike Freedom, but intimidating just the same. I went through counting the runners and sorting them rudimentary. 

Sorry for the blurry picture, but the hands seem a lot different in terms of the runner than the Strike Freedom PG kit. 

After sorting the pieces, I started building the stand. 

Not many pieces, though it did take me about 30 minutes to put everything together. The wiring for the LED was tricky =\. 

Duration: 30 minutes (Total to date: EI minutes) - I want to see how long it'll take me to build PG Unicorn!

Last day of classes

Today marked the last day of classes! It went pretty smoothly, which is a first for me. I also managed to finish my marking ahead of time, so I'm not bogged down by that! =D

Besides work, my workout was short and intense: chest and back via two exercises. For dinner, we stopped by Olove Garden (it's been a while) and Tea Funny (a month or so). 

But onto one of my projects for Winter Break. 

Thursday 17 December 2015

Almost Winter Break!

One more day of work before the break starts for 2015.

Starting Saturday, my blog posts should be on a daily basis with hopefully more interesting content! I have a big Gundam project waiting for the break! =)

Sneak peak tomorrow. =D

As for my day... just work and the gym. Front squats are a lot harder than they look. =/

Saturday 12 December 2015

Almost there!

The final school week of 2015 is fast approaching! This year has gone by awfully fast.

It's almost like I can recall the first day of 2015. Actually, I cannot.

Though I recall what I did over the summer! =P

As for the week, it slowed down a bit from November, yet I've been quite busy over the past couple of days. I also went in for my first massage on Tuesday. I can't believe I never tried a massage before. It was very relaxing and soothing for my sore muscles.

Besides that, I'm almost done completing my RG 00 Raiser. I forgot to upload the traditional "beginning picture" of its legs (and torso this time) on November 24. Not too bad, considering I'm not too far behind schedule.

Just one more week before I start the big project!

Sunday 6 December 2015

Kata Tournament

Today marked the... 10th 11th annual kata tournament. The morning tournament seemed smaller than before, though the second session had a somewhat larger pool of competitors.

After the tournament, I went to pick up some food for my dad's birthday. It went relatively smoother than I thought it would. Fortunately, the sushi platter and cake were prepared before my arranged pick up time.

After a fulfilling lunch, which I'm still quite full from, it was off to work on notes and worksheets.

And some gaming as well.

Productive... or so I think it was productive...

Saturday 5 December 2015

Warm December Friday

For a Friday in December, it was quite warm. Work was quite ordinary... though I didn't get as much marking done as I hoped during my double prep day. I did manage to finish my TPGP and help organize the grade 8 options.

Besides that, work out was ordinary as well. Slowly getting back to 185 lbs flat bench; eccentrics was very helpful in helping me reach that goal.

Overall, a very typical Friday. Just two more weeks before the break begins though! I'll have some more "interesting" (in terms for certain individuals that read my blog) posts for break!

Wednesday 2 December 2015

Extreme Air Park

For school today, we had a field trip organized by the physical education teachers at my school.

I was placed to supervise students at Extreme Air Park. Fortunately, I had the pleasure of participating as well! In other words, Extreme Air Park is a giant facility filled with trampolines.

And I was able to jump along with the students! Two hours went by quickly, and I had to admit, I was tired after 30 minutes or so (not sure how students have so much energy...)

And that marked today!

Tuesday 1 December 2015

Last month of 2015

It's already December! November was a blur...

Strangely, I was a lot busier than I expected in November... yet it's definitely not as stressful as my first year of teaching.

Stay strong till Winter Break!