Saturday 12 December 2015

Almost there!

The final school week of 2015 is fast approaching! This year has gone by awfully fast.

It's almost like I can recall the first day of 2015. Actually, I cannot.

Though I recall what I did over the summer! =P

As for the week, it slowed down a bit from November, yet I've been quite busy over the past couple of days. I also went in for my first massage on Tuesday. I can't believe I never tried a massage before. It was very relaxing and soothing for my sore muscles.

Besides that, I'm almost done completing my RG 00 Raiser. I forgot to upload the traditional "beginning picture" of its legs (and torso this time) on November 24. Not too bad, considering I'm not too far behind schedule.

Just one more week before I start the big project!

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