Monday 21 December 2015

Day 3 - LED Wiring can be quite frustrating

Woke up at a time that I would normally wake up for work. I initially had plans to wake up early to work on Unicorn, but I ended up sleeping in till 8:30. It took me essentially 3 hours to complete the last couple of steps for the torso.

The wiring took quite a bit of time for me. I had difficulties latching in the small wires with my hands. Thank goodness Bandai included a tool separator/pusher thingy to help. It essentially works as a lever. I then had difficulties latching on the exterior armor, but after some wiggling... I managed to place the pieces on. PG kits seem a lot more durable than RG kits. (Knock on wood)

Duration 3 hrs (Total Time: 7 h 30 min)

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