Saturday 19 December 2015

Day 1 - Stand

Pretty average Saturday despite the start of Winter Break 2015. Got up and worked out for a couple hours followed by lunch and an episode of Owari no Seraph. I can't say I'm very pleased with their progression (in comparison to Gintama's Shogun Assassination Arc). 

I also started watching Shimatani Rocket (if I got the title correct). Long first episode, but very like Roosevelt Game and Hanzawa Naoki in which the producer was the same. 

I started building Unicorn today. 

I believe it was 46 runners, less than Strike Freedom, but intimidating just the same. I went through counting the runners and sorting them rudimentary. 

Sorry for the blurry picture, but the hands seem a lot different in terms of the runner than the Strike Freedom PG kit. 

After sorting the pieces, I started building the stand. 

Not many pieces, though it did take me about 30 minutes to put everything together. The wiring for the LED was tricky =\. 

Duration: 30 minutes (Total to date: EI minutes) - I want to see how long it'll take me to build PG Unicorn!

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