Sunday 20 December 2015

Day 2 - Frustrating Shoulder Joints

Last karate class for the year! After lunch, and a couple games of LoL, it was off to build the torso region of Unicorn. 

A lot more runners than the stand for sure. It was a complicated, and at times, frustrating build. Despite not painting this kit, I had troubles snapping in certain pieces. 

This piece for the shoulder joint took me about 30 minutes to snap on... I had troubles sliding these small pieces into another equally small piece. Worse part was that there were two shoulder joints to build. The second one took 30 minutes as well to snap on...

Another shoulder piece. Make sure that the 30-minutes-to-put-together-one-part fits SNUGLY. I had to rely on videos online to help. Thanks Syd from Hobbylink Japan for your build guide!

90% of the torso took nearly 4 hours. I lost track of the time as I took breaks the ought the ordeal. 

Duration: 4 hours. (Total time: 4h 30 mins)

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