Thursday 7 April 2016

27th Birthday - Birthday Squats

It's hard to believe that another year has gone by so quickly. The older I get, the faster time seems to flow.

I was surprised this morning, during announcements that they mentioned that it was my birthday today. As a result, I had many students and colleagues wishing me happy birthday (with my three grade 8 science classes singing happy birthday.. and competing to see who did it better...) throughout the day. It was a really nice gesture!

I was pleasantly surprised that one of my classes gifted me chocolate bars, a Hunger Games cup and hand made cards! My homeroom this year, did not prepare anything for me. =(

Ironically, but pleasantly surprising, my former homeroom brought me cake during lunch break today! I was touched by the gesture, seeing that I rarely speak to my students from my homeroom from last year. 

Throughout the day, I had friends wishing me well on various social media sites. Thank you very much for those! It certainly brightened my day as well! (And not to mention that the weather was absolutely stunning today. I think it's been the warmest birthday since I was a teenager...)

After work, I went to exercise (I have no life... I know...). During my brother's birthday last year, he went and did "birthday squats", which was pretty much a number of squats equivalent to your age. He managed to do his 24 reps of two plates.

For me on the other hand, two plates is my current maximum (at most, I can probably do 5 sets of 2 reps). I decided to go for 50% of my max, so I lifted 27 reps of 135 pounds (1 plate). It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, though it turned out that I should have lifted more in order to feel the effects of these birthday squats. However, I did feel light headed after the ordeal, which made the rest of my squat sessions... interesting... I guess there's always next year for more birthday squats!

But other than that, I got my workout in, came home and watched anime to celebrate my birthday. And not to mention... more cake. 

When my students ask me tomorrow what I did for my birthday, I can lamely say that I worked out and came home to watch anime... (Some suggested that I should "party hard" after work today... which is surprisingly alarming in my books... but I guess the current generation matured a lot faster than I did when I was their age).


To recap my 26th year... it has been a pretty good year. I had an amazing summer, great start to my third year as a teacher, got to meet new people, mature (or I think I matured) as an individual and started to play the piano again. I hope that my 27th year will go as well, or even better than my 26th! And to help me remember my 27th year... I decided to pursue the 365 day challenge in which I take a picture everyday. I highly doubt I'll post them on my blog, because I do not blog daily... but they'll be on my Instagram!

As selfish as it sounds... to my good health this year! And to yours too I guess! (The way I phrased it makes me sound like a jerk! =P) 

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