Saturday 23 April 2016

Saturday April 23rd 2016

My title... as original and unoriginal as titles can get in my opinion.

Typical Saturday: woke up and went to work out. I haven't squatted since my birthday... thus making plate + 25 hellish. I'm still paranoid about my recent injury making it difficult for me to go back up. =(    (Or I'm just full of excuses =P)

After my workout, I had a chance to practice driving stick again! It was the first time I drove stick on my own. Fortunately, it wasn't too busy during a Saturday evening, thus I didn't feel as nervous as I did when I first started driving stick. I only stalled twice on the roads too! (With only one honk for my second stall!)

I'm still getting used to driving stick, but it's getting easier each time I practice. The jerking moments are the hardest parts at the moment (stop to first). Just practice practice practice!

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