Sunday 24 April 2016

Stay Humble

What I realize is that when I stay up late on Saturdays, karate tend to "drag" on longer than normal. On the other hand, when I sleep early, karate seems to whiz by.

As for today, I did end up sleeping at around 1:30 AM, but karate went by relatively quickly! After training, I went home to do some work for school. 

And then I had the opportunity to practice stick again! I drove to work, since the route I normally take in the morning gives me a variety of roads, while not being overtly difficult. Personally, I thought the drive went pretty smoothly: no stalls, and smaller shudders than normal. There were even opportunities for me to try rev matching, though I think I only succeeded once out of the four or five times that I tried. 

I practiced parking in the parking lot at work (without any cars) and reversed parking. Feeling quite confident, I went home down Deerfoot, which allowed me to accelerate quickly (not speeding of course!) It was a thrilling ride overall. I was at the point where I thought I didn't have to think much about driving stick, especially clutch control.

Unfortunately, that was where I stalled... down on 36th St and 26th Ave. After restarting, I almost stalled again! (Never had that happened to me before). I guess I panicked, which led to the almost double stall... 

That made me realize that I still have a lot to learn/practice with manual, and that I should remind myself to remain humble as I learn. (Though the acceleration is unmatched in comparison to an automatic).

While I came home to reflect on my driving today, I just suddenly felt a lot older. Something about learning stick shift as being a significant change to my current lifestyle... It's like I'm finally grown up. (I admit, sometimes I feel like a kid despite being 27 years old...) 

Change is inevitable. Despite not liking change much, I have to remind myself that its always nice every now and then. 

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