Thursday 21 April 2016

"We All Need Someone to Kiss Us Goodbye" - Marcie

It's been a while since I last posted... once again. What else is new?

The last couple weeks have been extremely busy with badminton season in full swing. I'm falling more and more behind. Fortunately though, I think I'll be able to catch up in a couple of days once badminton season is over.

As for today's title: I'm almost done watching Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso. To be honest, it's not as touching as the first run through, but I'm able to pick up on the subtleties that I missed. One thing that I noticed this time around, were a number of quotes that the main heroine, Miyazono Kaori used throughout the series. After some research, many of them came from Charles Schulz's  Peanut comic.
This quote stood out more than any other quote for me in this series. Without spoiling the series, it really hits home by stating the importance of company as significant events come to an end. I believe that we're all social creatures (no matter how introverted a person can be), that need company in tough times.

But that's it for today! Sleep and onto the weekend!

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