Sunday 29 May 2016

Last Weekend of May

Once again, it's hard to believe how fast time flies. After next month, half the year is already gone!

As for my weekend, I spent a good portion yesterday marking. Just one more batch of unit tests and random assignments to mark. Fortunately we started our movie section in karate, which gives me some time to mark while students watch Ip Man.

As for today, karate went by pretty smoothly. They had the Scotiabank Calgary Marathon today, which meant that some sections of downtown were closed. No biggie since parking was very easy to find (thank goodness James Short is nearby Dragon City Mall).

After karate, I worked on some notes. After grinding through a set of notes, I decided to take a nap, which is something I've been doing a lot recently on the weekends... ever since February? (I guess that's not really recent). I had my timer set up for 30 minutes.

I woke up in 30 minutes feeling refreshed, but I decided to close my eyes for a couple more minutes.

Those couple of minutes turned out to be an addition 90 minutes...

Other than that, I got through another batch of notes!

Just one more month of school essentially!

Friday 27 May 2016

Calaway Park 2016

It's been 4 years since I been to Calaway Park. Four years ago, I attended Calaway as a student teacher.

This time, I was the teacher in charge. It's not my first field trip, but like any other field trip, it takes time to ensure that things can go smoothly on "Field Trip Day".

The morning went by pretty smoothly. Students got their booklets and majority of the students showed up to school on time. One bus came late, but we still had some time left before the park open.

Inside the park, things once again went pretty smoothly. I had enough volunteers this time (around 16 volunteers), which allowed me to wander around without having to supervise a group. It was nice to have some "freedom", though I did eventually join a group. In terms of rides, I went on three.

Old age is getting to me, making it difficult for me to go on spin-rides, or whatever its called. I start to get motion sickness when I go on those rides now. =(

Near the end, it started to rain heavily. Unfortunately, one of the bus drivers was late, making it quite unnerving for all of us standing in the rain. (Doesn't make it better when it stopped raining after we arrived back at school).

Nevertheless, I believe it went by pretty smoothly! Like every other field trip, I'm pretty much exhausted after its over. I had to go home and nap before hitting the gym this evening!

And onto sleep now, since I'm feeling pretty exhausted.

Monday 23 May 2016

May Long Weekend

This weekend has been chilly, which is quite the contrast from the warm weather we've been having here in Calgary. It's nice to see a change of scenery, despite the cold!

Friday was ordinary. It was somewhat nerve wracking driving manual in the rain... I wonder how it'll be like once snow hits! Saturday was pretty ordinary, with a work out and chores completed. Yesterday was quiet, but productive enough in that I finished completing my unit test for Wednesday.

As for today, I woke up at a relatively late time, but got in a workout and marking.

And that is my short, but relatively laid back weekend.

Onto the last couple weeks of school!

Tuesday 17 May 2016

Dark Skies T_T

I've been going to work early the past couple of weeks to get work done... and it's been helping so far! It also helps that I don't feel as rushed in the morning, since I have time to ensure that I have everything ready for the day.

Waking up at 5:30 though has been taking a slight toll on me, but I guess it'll just take a bit more time to get used to my new start time.

After school ended, I stayed till around 6ish to get more work done. After, what must be a month now, I finally finished marking a hefty booklet... Never again will I use that booklet. It's not that difficult to mark, just long for each student (about 5 minutes per booklet for some odd reason...)

To help destress and to celebrate (in a sense), I went out for a drive after leaving the school. I ventured off down Deerfoot Trail and into the NW area. It allowed me to practice hill driving, which is something I'm not too familiar with in a manual car. What better than the hills of NW Calgary? After driving for about an hour, it was time to head home. The dark skies didn't help either. I didn't check the forecast today, so I thought that it might hail.

Fortunately it didn't and I arrived home in one piece!

And it was off to more work for tomorrow....

Just 6 more weeks to go before summer break!

Sunday 8 May 2016

Mother's Day 2016

I totally forgot that today was Mother's Day. I only found out after checking Facebook this morning.

Therefore, after karate, my brother and I walked to the nearest Benard Callebaut chocolate shop to get our mother some chocolates. I'm not sure if it's just me, but they sure seem a lot pricier than what I remembered them to be last year.

Anyways, Happy Mother's Day to all moms out there! I normally would play my mom Fantasie Impromptu (Chopin's), but I haven't practiced it in a long time...

Besides that, I didn't end up doing much work besides modifying my notes (which reminded me to upload them to my website). I also went out for a quick drive to quickly wash my car after napping for a while. My running nose is still persisting, but it seems like I'm developing a cough as well. I can only pray that it doesn't turn out to be another bout of bronchitis.

Off to sleep and another work week! I'm slowly catching up with my marking...

Oh, and hot ginger honey lemon water is amazing! =)

Saturday 7 May 2016


Such a beautiful day today, but just my luck to be sick.

It started Wednesday night with a bit of a tickle in my throat. I was hoping it'll be a minor thing, and it was pretty minor on Thursday and Friday. After going out to a driving range, I started feeling more ill, thus a quick trip back home.

There was when my nose started to run...

And run it did all day today.

And all I wanted to do was start detailing my car... Never mind the fact that it was horrendous trying to mark assignments when your nose runs every minute...

Oh well... it's been a pretty healthy year so far. Hard to believe a third of the year is over!

Hopefully I can recover somewhat by Monday. I cannot afford to take time off work...

Tuesday 3 May 2016

Extremely Hot Day

Apparently it was 28 degrees centigrade today in Calgary. According to one of my thermometers, it got up to 30 degrees!

My classroom was boiling hot today. Times like this, I wish I had A/C...

Other than that, I managed to practice the piano and get some lesson planning done today. It has been a while since I had time to practice the piano. I managed to stumble my way through Chopin's Ballade to the second last page!

That's it for today... tired from waking up early over the past two days. I've been arriving to work earlier, which is nice since I can prepare for my day before it starts.