Sunday 29 May 2016

Last Weekend of May

Once again, it's hard to believe how fast time flies. After next month, half the year is already gone!

As for my weekend, I spent a good portion yesterday marking. Just one more batch of unit tests and random assignments to mark. Fortunately we started our movie section in karate, which gives me some time to mark while students watch Ip Man.

As for today, karate went by pretty smoothly. They had the Scotiabank Calgary Marathon today, which meant that some sections of downtown were closed. No biggie since parking was very easy to find (thank goodness James Short is nearby Dragon City Mall).

After karate, I worked on some notes. After grinding through a set of notes, I decided to take a nap, which is something I've been doing a lot recently on the weekends... ever since February? (I guess that's not really recent). I had my timer set up for 30 minutes.

I woke up in 30 minutes feeling refreshed, but I decided to close my eyes for a couple more minutes.

Those couple of minutes turned out to be an addition 90 minutes...

Other than that, I got through another batch of notes!

Just one more month of school essentially!

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