Friday 27 May 2016

Calaway Park 2016

It's been 4 years since I been to Calaway Park. Four years ago, I attended Calaway as a student teacher.

This time, I was the teacher in charge. It's not my first field trip, but like any other field trip, it takes time to ensure that things can go smoothly on "Field Trip Day".

The morning went by pretty smoothly. Students got their booklets and majority of the students showed up to school on time. One bus came late, but we still had some time left before the park open.

Inside the park, things once again went pretty smoothly. I had enough volunteers this time (around 16 volunteers), which allowed me to wander around without having to supervise a group. It was nice to have some "freedom", though I did eventually join a group. In terms of rides, I went on three.

Old age is getting to me, making it difficult for me to go on spin-rides, or whatever its called. I start to get motion sickness when I go on those rides now. =(

Near the end, it started to rain heavily. Unfortunately, one of the bus drivers was late, making it quite unnerving for all of us standing in the rain. (Doesn't make it better when it stopped raining after we arrived back at school).

Nevertheless, I believe it went by pretty smoothly! Like every other field trip, I'm pretty much exhausted after its over. I had to go home and nap before hitting the gym this evening!

And onto sleep now, since I'm feeling pretty exhausted.

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