Sunday 12 June 2016

I failed...

For the past couple of weeks, I've been taking naps during Sunday afternoon lulls. They normally commence from around 2:30 to 4:30. Today, I made a mental pledge to stay awake so I can continue being productive.

I was doing really well today by keeping myself busy making quizzes for my students. Four o'clock came around and I decided to take a break. It was a bad choice to lay down on my bed, for I soon fell asleep...

Besides that, my week went by amazingly fast. Once again, it reminds me of what needs to be done before the school year ends... I should get started on those student portfolios.

Yesterday, I installed some minor light modification to my car and added window visors. The rear fog light didn't take as long as I thought it would, but it was a pain in the butt to install at times. Also, I was looking off a guide on YouTube through my cellular data, which in retrospect, wasn't the brighest idea on my part. Each time my phone turned off, it had to reload/buffer the video. All in all, I went over my 2 GB limit by burning through 750 mb in 30 minutes!

Lesson learned I hope.

Onto the last couple weeks of school!

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