Sunday 19 June 2016

One hour and six minutes ~Father's Day 2016~

That's the amount of time it took for me to wash my car today. Actually washing the car took the least amount of time, while drying took a lot longer.

I used to never dry my car, but I just started to since I was tired of seeing water spots. Drying took about 30 minutes, while the other 30 minutes was dedicated to applying wax detailer. I dried my car at the car wash lot, but went home to detail since the sky was looking ominous. I didn't want my hard work to be wasted away by rain!

What led to today's car wash was the final exam I was writing over the past two days. It took less time than the alternative final exam I written a couple weeks back, yet it was still tedious. Writing the exam though prevented me from taking a long nap... so I guess that's a plus!

My apologies for the weird chronological order, but this morning marked the last karate exam for the year. Typical results, with very few skips this time around if I'm not mistaken.

And now, onto the last full week of school! I think I can survive...

I think...

Oh Father's Day... I normally purchase sushi for my dad, which happened again this year. I was too lazy to pick it up, so I had it delivered via skipthedish.

And that's it for today!

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