Sunday 26 June 2016

The Power of Grease

Friday night = burger night. I normally try not to eat fast food burgers often due to the high caloric count, but it has been a while since I last went. I splurged and got myself an extremely calorie dense meal. A bacon cheeseburger and large fries add up to around 2200 calories if I remember correctly, and this was just one meal.

It seemed like all that grease was useful for squatting on Saturday. I managed to do two plate squat without too much difficulty. (The last time I did two plate squats was early February before I injured myself). Not my smartest workout, but I nearly had a 90 minute squat session that day since it was relatively quiet.

As for today... last day of karate. Went by like a normal last day: marching for the white and green belts. For next year though, I think we're going to eliminate it since most students don't find it interesting.

But alas, back to dieting I go starting tomorrow. It's been a pleasant couple of months to eat whatever I want. Fortunately, I haven't pack on too much weight (from what my scale tells me). I don't think I'll need to starve myself like how I did last year, though I really should look up programs...

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