Wednesday 4 January 2017

First Day of Work 2017

Most original titles ever! I can't recall the last time I posted four days in a row...

It was difficult to get up at 5:30, though not as difficult as years past. Despite getting up early, I showed up to work at around 7:50.

Work today was all PD sessions. The ones I attended include brain based learning, Google Classroom, and cleaning up your Google Drive. As for my last session, I taught a basic karate/self-defense class. Pretty common sense, but teaching adults is a lot different than teaching children!

Besides work, it was off to the gym for back day. I've changed my schedule, so that it includes two squat days, one back day, one deadlift day and one chest day. My current goal is to increase the amount I squat, as I currently bulk up. I went up around 20 pounds (sitting at around 192 lbs), with a current PR of a single (and shaky) 300 lbs squat. Bulking does wonders, but my pants are getting tight!

I'm looking forward to cutting again once I manage to hit 315 lbs cleanly! As for now, focus for the rest of the week.

Two day week with students coming back from break... it should be interesting...

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