Tuesday 3 January 2017

Last Day of Winter Break 2016-2017

It's like my body is ready to go back to work.

Well almost ready...

I got up at 7, which is about 3 hours earlier than normal. However, I laid in bed to finish watching Alderamin of the Sky, a military based anime which is pretty good in my books. Some parts of the show was unexpected, and there were definitely some flaws, but overall it was an excellent watch.

After getting out of bed at like... 9:30, I proceeded to enjoy the last day of break by trying to fix my camera on my iPhone 5s. That thing has been whacked since a couple months back, when all it showed was a black screen. According to some research, and some experimentation, it was most likely a software issue than a hardware issue. After resetting my phone a couple times in the past, the problem seemingly went away for a couple days, only to return again.

Without having much luck with resetting as of late, I decided to do a full factory reset.

It didn't work.

But at least my phone has a lot of free space again!

Unfortunately though, I did not have enough common sense to reupload my music, so making my workout today (squat day) a bit lackluster.

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