Sunday 1 January 2017

New Years 2017

And so another years has come and gone. 2016... a year that blew by extremely quickly in my books; though it can be said that every year after university feels like they blow by quickly. Nevertheless, looking back, it feels like I managed some accomplishments!

2016 was a year where I made, what I consider, to be my first major purchase, in terms of a car. It's a vivid memory, in which I doubt I'll ever forget. Other than that, I was extremely fortunate to secure a permanent position at my school. That's definitely a sigh of relief, considering how tough the economy is right now. Besides those two, I also started to learn how to cook, thanks to the help of a couple of friends. Now I won't starve or die from eating just instant noodles! =P

Simply put, 2016 is a year of maturity. Almost in my 30s, which is a scary thought...

As for my blog, I'll try and be more active. I might bring back more reviews/thoughts/whatever interests me at the moment besides it being a daily log book.

But as for today, a log book it will be -- so FF XIV mostly and watching Kimi no na wa (Your Name). FF XIV is a game I picked up last week, and it gives me something else to do besides FF XV. Going off tangent, last year was a PG Unicorn Winter Break, while this winter break is more of a Final Fantasy break.

But back on track: Kimi no na wa. This anime movie was listed as number 1 on with a public rating of 9.37/10, scored by 90,532 users. Obviously, I had to go see it for myself. Without spoiling anything, it's a romantic based drama that transcends time, hence a bit of time travelling involved. A pretty simple story, with some character development. The beginning grabbed my attention, but the ending was a little bit plain for my tastes. I give props to the author/script writer though, for time travelling shows are quite difficult to make well. The graphics were well done, and there was an emotional impact to the story... for the most part.


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