Wednesday 27 February 2019

Another Batch of Tryouts

Last one for the week
New faces compared to last
Good talent this year!

Tuesday 26 February 2019

Day Two of Tryouts

Less than expected.
Lots of court space this time
Psoas is still sore

Monday 25 February 2019

Start of Tryouts

Day 1 of Tryouts
More girls than boys this year
Good to see this change!

Sunday 24 February 2019

Maquia: When the Promised Flower Blooms

"There is nothing as powerful as a mother's love" -- a quote that I heard before and googled before starting today's blog post. Maquia: When the Promised Flower Blooms focuses on a multitude of topics, with a mother's love being the primary one.

Keep in mind that there'll be spoilers!

The story's titular main character, Maquia is an Iorph -- a clan of individuals that age extremely slowly (whether they're immortal or not, that wasn't clearly explained). As her town was destroyed by a country, ruled by relying on an dwindling ancient power, seeking to incorporate Iorph blood into their royal bloodline, she stumbles upon a recently orphaned baby.

The vast majority of the movie focuses on the relationship between Maquia and her adopted son, Ariel. Despite being a child herself (being 15 years old -- whether that's her chronological age or appearance), she goes through the trials and tribulations of raising a son that will continue to grow, and eventually become older than her. There were a multitude of emotionally charged scenes, like when Maquia becomes frustrated with raising Ariel, to letting Ariel go on his own, to saying goodbye to him as Ariel finally establishes his own life, to holding an elderly Ariel's hand as he passed away, to breaking her promise of not crying and crying when she relives her memories spent with Ariel.  In the meanwhile, there are other side stories, such as one of her friends being kidnapped to bear a child for the country, the anguish of a surviving Iorph and the eventual family that Ariel starts. With the first side story, it starkly contrasts with Maquia's, in that Leilia (Maquia's kidnapped friend) gave birth to a child that she's not allowed to see. Despite not being able to see her child, Leilia pines to have a glimpse -- and when she does, she let's go of her attachment and wishes that her daughter forgets about her as well.

Besides motherhood, the movie goes over themes like death and discrimination. For me, it felt like Maquia didn't understand what death was until the scene in which a dog passed away. Immortality is a cruel fate in that you have to witness the death of loved ones who are mortal. As for discrimination, the Iorph are ostracized due to their circumstances. Leilia was used to produce a child, and when it was found out that her daughter didn't seem to exhibit Iorph characteristics, then she was cast aside so that they could find another Iorph girl for the kingdom. Maquia and  Ariel had to move constantly, because people were suspicious on Maquia's eternal youth. Though in the end, as cliche as it sounds, love triumphs all.

Artwork is amazing -- perhaps not the best in all scenes but the landscape was beautifully created. Music is nothing particularly special, but it really hits the emotions hard during memorable scenes. With the two hour limit the movie has, I thought pacing was suffice, despite not a lot of character development with the side characters. As Maquia's elder told her to never love a mortal, the titular character has no regrets with the time spent with her son. Motherhood isn't symbolized by blood, but rather due to the bond formed from time spent with one another.


Saturday 23 February 2019

Different with others

Got Switch Online Today
Very good investment
Hellblade who eh?


Not what you are thinking
A noodle bar on 16th
Food was alright

Thursday 21 February 2019

Hellblade Glavenus

That thing hits very hard
And it was only G1
Four more levels to go...

Wednesday 20 February 2019

More Damage Than I Thought

Pause squats are not for me
Abdominal region hurts
Need a day of rest...

Tuesday 19 February 2019

Injured again?

Knee felt weird for squats
Swapped over to overhead press
Hope not serious

Monday 18 February 2019

Family Day 2018

Relaxing Day
Skipped the gym and took a walk
Chilly but sunny.

Sunday 17 February 2019

Charm Farming

After finally upgrading my elemental weapons on MHGU, I can start charm hunting! We tried fighting a Brachydios, and I ended up with a decent amount of charms.

More tomorrow!

Besides gaming, karate was the normal, besides a bunch of students not here today due to the amount of snow we've been getting. After karate, I went to McDonald's to try their Jalapeno and Habanero  chicken burgers. They're not spicy at all.

Other than that, a relaxing weekend, with holiday Monday tomorrow.

Saturday 16 February 2019

I Want To Eat Your Pancreas

Fear of change -- ever since 2017, I've been scared to push hard for squats. As for today though, I challenged myself to squat 275 lbs for 2's. I was hesitant at first since 225 lbs wasn't going up quickly, but I managed to get in my five sets of 275 lbs for 2's relatively well. Going back to 225 after for a couple sets went well (and I managed to pause for 3 seconds for a couple sets). Despite just being 2 reps per set, I feel like I'm one step closer in conquering the fear of surpassing 225 lbs.

Which is a segue to a movie I watched today. I've been wanting to watch it for a while after seeing a trailer, but time was the biggest issue for me. Fortunately with the long weekend, I had time to day (after finishing entering marks -- meaning that my weekend is pretty free!) to watch.

And I'm conflicted with how I feel about the movie. The beginning was slow, and it was hard for me to feel any attachment to the characters till like halfway. And then the plot twist... which I think is the author's placed in to be original, though I thought s/he should have left it cliche. Cliche would have worked perfectly for this movie, and I would have thoroughly enjoy it that way. Like mentioned before though, that plot twist really killed whatever positive feelings I had with the movie.

Perhaps with time, and another re watch, I'll come to appreciate what the author has done. But as for now, I have mixed feelings for the movie. 

Day 2 of Teacher's Convention

Two sessions today
Library and well being
Snow much in the evening

Thursday 14 February 2019

Wednesday 13 February 2019

Sun is Out

Today, the sun is out
It makes everything feel better
Hands still feel cold though.

Tuesday 12 February 2019

Blowing Snow

Snow flakes are falling
A winter wonderland
I swear I did this already

(really broke the rule with the last line)

Monday 11 February 2019

Do you know what Winter Driving Conditions Are?!?

Not much happened at work besides putting away tables and chairs first thing in the morning. The lock wouldn't open since it was frozen shut, but fortunately one of our custodians used a lever to help open the padlock.

Shoulders and arms were fun... though the "funner" part was driving to the gas station. Roads were extremely slippery and my car was sliding all over the place. Fortunately, there weren't a lot of cars on the roads.

After filling up, I was heading back home. I took the usual route (26th Ave going to 36th St). The light ahead was green for a while, and seeing that the entire road was shiny, I decided to slow down since I won't be able to make it. The SUV behind me wasn't pleased apparently, because he kept high-beaming me. As I predicted, the lights did turn red and I stopped. Despite going slowly, I did end up losing some grip with my rear end, and it swayed out a bit as my front moved dangerously close to the side. The SUV behind me was in between lanes, and decided to move to the left lane after. I made eye contact with him, and found out it was a middle aged man driving. He kept waving his hands in circle, which I interpreted as asking me why I didn't go...

Trying to keep a civil head, I rolled down my windows and told him that it's winter and it's slippery outside. He rolled down his windows, and with a relatively thick accent, said something along the lines that I should have went, and somehow I confused him (could be because when I turned from Sunridge Mall to 26th, I ended up going between two lanes for a bit, but he was turning from the hospital and no where near me when I checked my rear mirror).

Keeping my mouth clean (which I admit was starting to be difficult since I was getting ticked off with this man), I told him once again that it was quite slippery and I didn't find it safe to go fast. Also, I mentioned that I was in the right lane, and that the left lane he was eventually in, was also a turning lane. He continued to say something among the lines of going (from what I recalled), but just ended up saying never mind at the end and laughed.

I "laughed" along with him and closed my windows. I admit, I may have said a few choice words after. =P

Once the light turned green, we both turned, and as I guessed, he accelerated to cut me off. Not wanting to get into a collision, I let him do that.

Whatever floats his boat. I'm not the one asking for an accident!

But thanks to the man, it made my day somewhat interesting from the mudane daily life I've been living thus far.

Sunday 10 February 2019

Blistering Cold

Walking from my car to the dojo takes about five minutes from the river. Quite literally after a minute, I felt like my nose was going to fall off from my face. As always, it's the wind that makes the air feel extremely cold.

Other than karate, my day was pretty ordinary. Excuses I know, but I skipped the gym since it was cold. I ended up working on modifying notes and progressing in MHGU.

I'm hoping that Teacher's Convention will be a lot warmer...

Saturday 9 February 2019

Another Day of Rest!

I woke up relatively early, but I didn't go to the gym since I was feeling queasy from last night's dinner. I did make most of the day productive by completing key quests in MHGU and worked on figuring out the winners of yesterday's science fair.

Against a G-Rank Rathalos, I managed to get three mantles (especially hard to get with a... 5% chance I believe?) -- one was carved from the tail, and two were as rewards.

Life's good!

Science Fair!

It's finally the day of the Science Fair! Unlike previous years, we made it totally optional for all students -- meaning that there weren't as many... substandard projects than usual (in my eyes anyways). The first batch of students to be judged went over the time I had allotted for them, but the other grades seemed to be fine.

All that is left is to clean up the gym on Monday...

Other than that, I got to the gym late since I was wrapping up the science fair. I got in a super quick exercise before heading out to AYCE hot pot.

And I ate too much. It was not a fun ride home... especially with the icy conditions...

Thursday 7 February 2019

Hotarubi no mori e

A very short story
About forbidden love
Somewhat bittersweet

I didn't feel like doing more work after coming home late today, so I ended up watching Hotarubi no mori e to make the night pass away. It's a romance story between a girl and a "ghost" boy (a boy tied down to earth due to the blessing of a forest god, but if he touches a human being, his body will fade away).

Bittersweet and meaningful, though 44 minutes didn't seem like enough time for me to become emotionally invested in the main characters. It does, however, speak on the notion of letting go and moving on in life -- which I thought was the main message of the movie. You never truly know what's in store, and there's little point in dwelling on a past that cannot be reclaimed.

Cherish the moment.

Wednesday 6 February 2019

Back to Haiku's

Back to Haikus for today since I'm lazy and it's relatively short, though difficult to write at times.

Chilling Cold Today
Though Warmer Than Yesterday
Tomorrow is Good.

Lame I know, but I blame it on sheer laziness.

Tuesday 5 February 2019

Happy Lunar New Year!

Happy Lunar New Year to all of you that celebrate it. May the Year of the Pig bring great fortune and health to everyone!

And it's my excuse to be lazy for my blog post today. Like predicted, the day was as ordinary as ordinary can get. 235 lbs squat for fives were a bit wacky, but somewhat doable. I'll just have to work on it some more till it becomes comfortable once again.

It's hard to believe that 255 lbs used to be warm up a couple years back...

Monday 4 February 2019

Hair Sliver

Bleary sights awaited me as I opened my tired eyes. A few moments later, everything was in focus as I headed down the steps for breakfast. I was greeted with a scrumptious, yet light affair of vegetables and fruits.

As I headed to get ready, I noticed the day old stubble across my face. Taking out my razor, I proceeded to set ablaze to the new inhabitants across my face. There were few survivors after the onslaught from three sharp blades. A thumb rubbed across a smoother chin, but it is as though I would have to repent for my sins. A sharp strand of hair managed to impale thy thumb, causing the utmost annoyance.

Karma is definitely a.....

Sunday 3 February 2019

It's Cold Outside

Fortunately, due to the Lunar New Year taking place this week, there was no karate today. I woke up and finished my marking, updated my notes and worked on science fair for this Friday. I even managed some MHGU -- fought the final boss Ahtal-Ka a couple of times as well. It's dual blades are extremely powerful but crappy in terms of sharpness.

A productive day today. And I'll be back to writing short stories tomorrow since I'm quite sure life is going to be ordinary this week.

Saturday 2 February 2019

Winter is finally here!

The morning was cold, but I managed to get up relatively early to head to the gym. Due to my back feeling slightly wonky still, I just front squatted a bit before doing cardio for about 30 minutes. I went to go wash my car, since I spilled gas on the side while filling it up yesterday. There was practically no one there -- not a lot of people would wash their car in this cold weather!

After getting home, I spent a good portion of my afternoon marking unit tests. I thought I was processing them quite quickly, but it took an hour to mark just 12 exams... and I have around 70 exams to mark! That doesn't include working on Science Fair or updating my notes for this upcoming week...

Either way, I took breaks between batches to get new gear in MHGU. A relaxing, but productive Saturday.

Start of the Storm

Friday marked the second part of the grade 8 exam: the written section. Most students took more time than I thought they would, but everyone managed to finish on time. I wanted to leave early today, due to the oncoming snow, but I forgot I had a meeting after school. Fortunately it was short.

My back was feeling achy from squats and deadlifts, so I wasn't able to arch my back for benching. I'm pleased that 90 kg was doable for 3s without arch. I wouldn't have been able to do this a year ago, so progress in my books.

After dinner, I went to go fill my car since I had half a tank left. I went to a Petro that I haven't visited in a while. As my tank reached full, I thought it would automatically stopped filling gas, but the mechanism wasn't working correctly, thus gas started to spill out. Hastily, I stopped and cleaned the area around my fuel door.

Other than that, that marked my Friday. It's February!