Saturday 14 September 2019

Day 22 (Aug 20) - teamLab Planets, Yokohama and Ikebukuro

For the last few days, we didn't have any large trips planned. We woke up at around 7:30 and headed to Toyosu to visit teamLab's Planet museum. Personally, I found it a lot better than Borderless since it was more immersive: besides sight and hearing, it utilized touch as well with the amount of water around the museum. It was far shorter than Borderless, meaning that we finished in about 40 minutes time.

We traveled to Yokohama next, which took about 30 minutes from where we were. At Yokohama, we first visited their Chinatown, which is the largest one in Japan. Streets were filled with restaurants. We stopped at a restaurant for lunch. We were the only customers at that time (around 1 PM if I recall correctly), but our meal was good -- though pricey.

After exploring Chinatown for a while longer, we made our way to the Pokemon Centre in Yokohama. After purchasing some goods, it was time to head back to our hotel to rest before heading over to Ikebukuro in the evening. We made brief stops at Tokyu Hands, the Pokemon Centre in Sunshine City and Uniqlo. I ended up leaving empty handed, which may have been the best since our last location for the night was Square Enix's Artnia. We took the subway to a station near the cafe, which was the first for me. It led to a different part of Shinjuku that I haven't seen yet. Once we arrived at Artnia, there was nothing of interest. The store across the cafe, however, was the supermarket that we visited frequently back during the last few days in 2017. As a nostalgia trip, we made purchases there before walking back to our hotel.

22 days have passed thus far, but it felt more like 6 weeks have gone by at this point. I'm ready to head back home!

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