Sunday 15 September 2019

Day 24 (Aug 22) - Last Full Day in Japan

For our last day, we finished up some last minute shopping. Due to the sweet shop in Ameyuko being busy yesterday afternoon, we went back first thing in the morning when it opened up at 10 AM. I had a much easier time walking down the narrow aisles and purchased some more sweets and snacks. After we finished with the shop, we traveled back to Akihabara.

We first went to Mak Japan, which was closed yesterday to purchase some items. It was a small shop, but the service was extremely friendly and informative. After making our purchase, we crossed the street to visit Tamtam to see if they had gundams that we couldn't find at Yodabashi yesterday. Unfortunately, they did not.

That meant that we needed to go back to Odaiba's Gundam Base. It seemed like Gundam Base is the only place now to purchase newly released Gundams. Before heading to Gundam Base, we stopped by Fuji TV's building, which is a place I haven't visited before, but have seen from the distance. They had some sort of event taking place, for it was filled with people and carnival games. After spending some time there, we traveled to our intended location to purchase a few gundams.

With our hands full, we ventured back to our hotel to deposit our items. We arrived relatively early, so they haven't finished cleaning our room. We only had to wait an additional 15 minutes, before dropping our purchases and heading out for lunch.

One other regret I have is not going to Yayoi more often, when it's so close to our hotel. Food is relatively cheap, and seemingly healthy. Perhaps most importantly, it's quite tasty as well!

We went back to our hotel and relaxed for a few hours before heading out to Shinjuku for more shopping. There seemed to be a new Yodabashi building that held model kits, in which my brother was able to pick up a kit that he was looking for. Tokyu Hands there was extremely jammed pack, which I assumed was due to people finishing work. Afterwards, we walked around the station to try and find a food stall that had Chinese buns, but to no avail. We headed back to the convenience store at Shin-Okubo to shop for dinner and breakfast before heading back to the hotel.

I quickly did some last minute reorganization of my luggage before checking in for the night. It's almost time to say goodbye to Japan 2019. One more sleep!

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