Tuesday 3 October 2023

Day 19 (July 27) - Quiet Day at the Homestay!

 Being a weekday probably meant not too many guests at the hostel. We only had to prepare two breakfast sets for the morning. Once breakfast was set, we had our own breakfast before a short break. For my morning task, I just had to clean the small wash basins that they had in the two onsens. Once my task was completed, it was time for our tea break. Once again, I got the chance to learn more about our host and to talk about different hobbies. 

After the break, it was off to complete other cleaning chores. As for lunch, we headed down to town again to explore. We started at a café by Lake Kinrinko (at the end of the touristy road), with a drink and dessert. Despite being hot, sitting outside was nice to enjoy the scenic view in front of us. Right after the café, we tried to look for a restaurant that sold Bungo beef, which is Oita's Wagyu. (Oita is the prefecture that Yufuin is in). Unfortunately, there was a long lineup for the place we wanted to go, so we opted for an udon lunch instead. Lunch was served quickly and was quite refreshing in the heat. 

After lunch, it was off to get more dessert. We got cheesecake from a famous bakery and then went back to the matcha ice cream store to grab more. This time, I opted for salted matcha, which was quite good! The bus station was nearby, so we ended up waiting for the 4:45 PM (around this time) bus to take us back to the hostel.

Since there was no one requesting dinner for the night, we just had to wipe the top floor (or in the words of our host: Super Wipe). We got a nice curry dinner for lunch before washing just a few dishes. Since it was a relatively easy day, and we didn't have to wake up early to prepare breakfast tomorrow morning, we opted to play Ticket To Ride before bed.

Volunteering at this homestay was quite a nice change of pace from traveling.

It's not fall yet, but I wonder why we could start seeing red leaves on this tree.

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