Wednesday 4 October 2023

Day 20 (July 28) - Bungo Beef, Animals and Sports

 We didn't have to wake up at 6 AM this morning to set up breakfast, so we slept in till around 8 AM. After eating our own breakfast, we rested for a bit before starting to clean up the rooms. We had our snack break at around the same time before heading back to work.

Once we finished our task, we got a ride to the city from our host. We found another restaurant that was known for selling Bungo Beef. We each got our own set. The beef was quite tender, and full of flavor. After finishing up lunch, we went back to walk around the main road; more specifically towards the animal section off to the side. 

We started with a cat cafe. It wasn't as big as the one in Tokyo, but they had a decent selection of cats. Most of them were asleep at this point, but some were moving around the various guests. My girlfriend was able to get a cat to sit on her lap for a while. We spent nearly two hours here before proceeding to the nearby owl zoo. 

There was a large variety of different owls, with some allowing you to pet them. After spending time looking at the different owls, we then walked towards a few souvenir shops nearby to purchase items to take back to Canada. Fortunately, we were able to take the bus back to our hostel again after we were done shopping.

Unlike last evening, there were six meals to prepare for the night. Once we had our dinner, we washed the dishes before taking a quick break before heading to the local community centre with the host and some guests. Every Friday, he takes people from the hostel to play a variety of games at the community centre's gym. For that night, we played tug of war (our team got our butt kicked... I blamed it on my shoes!), soccer, dodge frisbee (like dodge ball) and some sort of game where you had to capture your opponent's base and avoid getting hit by small balls. It was an enjoyable evening, and nothing I would have ever imagined doing in a foreign country. I don't even participate in these community events in Canada. The locals that were also there to play with us were quick and friendly, which you don't often see in the bigger cities of Japan. (I always find the Japanese to be polite, but never super friendly). 

After 90 minutes or so, it was time to head back to the hostel. I was drenched in sweat, so I took a nice relaxing shower and bath before heading back to the living room to enjoy some match pudding to close off the night.

It makes me wonder now why I never tried homestays before. I might have been just lucky to have had a great host who offered many different activities (night tour, Friday sports night, and one more major event that will be blogged about in a few days hopefully).

From the tug-of-war event! We were broken down into three teams for the night. 

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