Thursday 5 October 2023

Day 21 (July 29) - Non Eventful Day

 We woke up at the usual time of around 6 AM to help out with breakfast. After breakfast and dishes, we had a 45 minute break before we had to start our morning chores. Unlike the other days, we decided to stay back instead of heading down to town.

Most of the afternoon was spent in the dining room/living room area. I had the chance to catch up on some manga and read some articles. Feeling a bit sleepy, I then proceeded down to our room to take a nap before our evening tasks.

The evening dinner was busier than I was accustomed to, probably because it was the weekend. Other than that, everything went quite smoothly.

It's a good thing since tomorrow (July 30) will be a very eventful day!

We were doing a "super wipe" of the main floor. I wanted to make sure I placed these Demon Slayer Figurines back in the right spots!

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