Sunday 15 October 2023

Day 25 (Aug 2) - Goodbye Country Roads Youth Hostel

It was difficult to sleep the night before; probably due to it being the last night in our room. Despite how hot it can get at night, I was getting used to our room. After waking up, we performed our last breakfast setup before we proceeded to wash the dishes. One of the hosts had to leave early to attend her other job, so we said our farewells. After a small break, we did our last morning chores before finalizing packing our luggages. Our host took us down to Joyfull for lunch. (Joyfull is equivalent to Denny's in my opinion.) I believe my lunch was only $7 for a set meal, yet it was quite good for what you paid for at Joyfull. It was bittersweet saying our goodbyes, but instead of a "sayonara", it was a "ja mata ne". We'll be sure to come back to volunteer again, or maybe as guests next time! (I wouldn't mind having a/c next time haha).

We took a bus to Hakata station for the last leg of our Japan trip. It took about two hours, so we managed to get some shut-eye on the bus. Once we arrived, we checked into our hotel before proceeding to explore Fukuoka. I've been to Fukuoka back in 2017, but didn't explore much besides Canal City. This time, we were in the heart of the city. We spent most of the day shopping at various stores like Bic Camera and Uniqlo. It was getting dark after we finished shopping so we headed to find an Ichiran near the station. Unfortunately, the line looked extensively long, so we ended up purchasing food from a 7-11 near our hotel.

It felt weird going back to a tourist after spending the week in Yufuin. It does help cement my desire to live in the countryside if I ever move to Japan (slim to none chance of that happening, but who knows?)

Not the same Joyfull as the one in Yufuin, but saw this as we were passing by in Fukuoka. 

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