Monday 25 November 2013

Busy Busy!!

Busy like a bumblebee!

My weekend was chockful of activities. First off on Friday, I was falling asleep (did I mention this already) during Bubbletea. It was only 10:30... On the other hand, the Ferrero Rocher drink I had was mightily delicious at Hot Point. It had a hint of Maraschino Cherry flavor in it that really enhanced the flavor!

On Saturday, I had piano teaching. Since I had some time in between lessons this week, I travelled to a mart I saw while I went for Korean food down in the SW. The mart in question was called E-mart. It essentially housed a ton of Korean and Japanese goods. I needed some Green Tea, so I purchased a bag. I have yet to try it to this day, but I will find some time on the weekend to give it a go!

Sunday was karate, and a bunch of other things that I needed to get done for today. Fortunately, I managed to finish a good chunk of stuff, so it was a very productive Sunday. I also purchased Civilization for the iPad. I had to use it for a project... and I think it might go as planned! I'm still learning the game (it has quite the learning curve), but I did spend a good hour and a half playing it on Sunday.

And today, was just busy! Busy busy busy. But that's life I guess! =) (Or should it be =/)

Thursday 21 November 2013


It's been a busy past couple of days. My brother's and mother's birthday were one day apart, so there was a lot of cake to be had. I've also been busy planning stuff, and hopefully... it'll all go well very soon!

Today, I had my first Yoga session. It wasn't a full session since everyone was quite busy, but it was a great first session. Right after, I felt a lot more relaxed and refreshed than what I was going in. Though traffic didn't really help much afterwards...

But that's it for today! And my stomach is grumbling from all that cake... and other food.... =/

Sunday 17 November 2013

Weekend Blizzard

Calgary was hit by quite a blizzard yesterday. It was quite crazy out there. >_>

Good thing that today was a lot better! There was a lot more sun out and the air felt a lot warmer. Only issue is that it may freeze all that slush, thus making it an icy drive tomorrow. =/

But other than that, it has been a busy weekend! Got quite a bit of stuff done, and managed to keep myself sane with LoL and Phoenix Wright!

And now off to sleep!

Thursday 14 November 2013

So sad that they took Mystery Gift away from League of Legends. =(

So during the Hallowing (or whatever its called) event, they had an option where you can gift friends skins for 490 RP. It's a random skin given, based on their champion pool, but the skin was guaranteed to be above 520 RP if I'm not mistaken.

In other words, if you were lucky, you could have gotten great skins! I was fortunate enough to get Officer Caitlyn (originally 975) and a Battle Regalia Poppy (520). Pretty sweet deals in my opinion and the surprise factor is always nice!

I tried gifting my brother, but found out that the option was removed! I hope they'll bring it back for Christmas! Tis the season to give! =)

Wednesday 13 November 2013

Ironic spiders...

I've been listening to the Harry Potter audio books for a while now as I drive around town. As I was driving down 16th Ave, merging onto the exit ramp to 36th street, I was on the part where Aragog died and Harry was at Hagrid's house awaiting the funeral (on the 6th book). It was explaining how Harry looked out and noticed the dead gigantic spider curled up outside.

At that point, I looked out of my side window and noticed a black truck streaking by. What was unique about this truck was a particular add-on/clip-on/thingymobarberish on the back of the cab window.

It was a SPIDER WEB!

Talk about Ironic!

And I can't believe I have misplaced my USB drive... I can't do much without it now...

Note to self... transfer the contents on it when I do find it...

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Broke my credit card ban

Today marks the day where I broke my own credit card ban/fast, in which I haven't used my card for about 4 weeks. It was simply due to the fact that I wasn't depositing any money into my bank account, thus I don't really have money to pay off my bills! (I've been using cash recently since I have that on hand more readily).

I went to go purchase some supplies at Staples and at Memory Express (USB Drive, since my old one is starting to crack up). They were all out of the USB drives that were on-sale. =( I did end up purchasing one, but I may return it if I find a better deal.

Ah, tis the life of a money pincher. These past couple of months have taught me well!

Monday 11 November 2013

Been one heck of a week!

Can't post much details yet... but once I can, I will! Please bear with the vagueness of my blog posts for just a little more!

Anyways, it was quite a eventful and busy week. I had a lot of tasks to handle, and I can't really say that I'm on top of things as of yet. Hopefully by the end of this week, I'll be on more levelled ground!

So far, so good though! I'm surviving, so I guess that's what's important now! Well I think...

Anyways, today marks Remembrance Day. Lest we forget the sacrifices that thousands of Canadians made to keep our country as what it is today.

And to cap it off... I decided to go back to blogging daily. I realized, over the past week, that it's one of the things that will help keep my sanity as I make adjustments to my current life! =)

Tuesday 5 November 2013

Long Day in November! Hiatus till the weekend!

It's been quite another long day today. I was out and about for pretty much the entire day! Getting stuff done here, getting stuff done there. All in all, a busy, but productive day.

And since I don't have anything of interest to say at the moment, or for a while due to some circumstances at the moment... I'll be on hiatus till the weekend! Hopefully, I'll have some time to post up something interesting by then!

Monday 4 November 2013

As I was scrolling on YouTube

Great videos from VitalyzdTV! The Extreme Homeless Man Makeover is quite a great video.

Part 1

Part 2

Martin, if I remember the homeless man's name correctly, suffered some hardship after the first video, but he managed to persevere. 

Sunday 3 November 2013

Winter Driving is Back!

It was quite a drive this morning to karate. The road near my house was icy, so I had some slippery moments. Fortunately, the main roads were good! The snow cleanup have improved quite well over the past couple of years, that's for sure!

As for class today, it was the same old. It was a busy class to teach today, but fortunately there were a lot of helpers today. After class, I went home and was isolated in my room for a couple hours, so I spent the time breeding Pokémon. I'm still in the process of getting a decent Ralts, but I guess it'll come in good time.

After Pokémon, I took a refreshing light nap. Then, I did a couple hours of chores. And now, it's time for sleep! Tomorrow is going to be a long, but exciting day!

Saturday 2 November 2013

Pokémon Breeding isn't too bad with YouTube

So much snow! Good thing I didn't have to go out besides Volunteering this morning. Once again, a normal day at the hospital. I played through my songs and went home.

When I got home today, I did some studying and played a couple of games of LoL. Starting next week, I will have to cut back to playing on the weekends, but it's alright! =) Besides LoL, I started breeding for my Pokémon team. It's not as easy as using Pokésav, that's for sure...

My initial goal was trying to get Pokémon with 6 maxed (valued at 31) IVs (essentially, super-soldier like Pokémon). Which turned out to be a lot harder than it looked. I had my ditto with 3 31 IVs and my Pokémon in need, with 2 31 IVs in different stats, but to no avail. Most of the offspring either had the 3 from the ditto (since it was holding a Destiny Knot) at best... or 1 to 2 31 IVs. After about an hour of hatching and checking their stats, I decided to settle for 3 IVs that were beneficial for that individual Pokémon. For example, a Gible with 31 IVs in Attack, Special Defence (hope that helps against Ice type moves... besides Ice Fang) and Speed.

To help with this necessary, but tedious grind, I employed the help of YouTube. Pretty much, I spent my evening watching a bunch of random YouTube videos. All of a sudden, I felt like listening to the OST of one of my favorite dramas: Bara no nai Hanaya (The Flowershop without a Rose). I watched this drama years back, when I was a semi-veteran and immensely irritated with the genre of Romance. I have seen tons of romanatic dramas that seemed to use the same love triangle plot, which really got onto my nerves. I was initially hesitant to start this drama, but it starred Takeuchi Yuko and Shaku Yumiko. Thus, I began watching this drama was a sense of apprehension. It turned to be nothing but nought since Bara no nai Hanaya was nothing like what I have expected. Sure, it didn't have the best plot, and some parts were highly unrealistic... yet it was simply well acted in my opinion.

But enough talk! Time to catch up on sleep! Remember that it's Daylight Saving Time, so roll back your clocks!

This scene was one of my favorites throughout the drama.

Friday 1 November 2013

Already November??

Time surely flies! It's already November!

Despite it being Friday, I did get some work done! Went over a couple of things, and finally figured out a team I want for Pokemon Y.

For dinner tonight, we went to Sura to eat. It's been a while, but it was a pleasant eat nevertheless.

And due to tiredness and needing to be able to get up early next week... it's time for sleep!