Monday 11 November 2013

Been one heck of a week!

Can't post much details yet... but once I can, I will! Please bear with the vagueness of my blog posts for just a little more!

Anyways, it was quite a eventful and busy week. I had a lot of tasks to handle, and I can't really say that I'm on top of things as of yet. Hopefully by the end of this week, I'll be on more levelled ground!

So far, so good though! I'm surviving, so I guess that's what's important now! Well I think...

Anyways, today marks Remembrance Day. Lest we forget the sacrifices that thousands of Canadians made to keep our country as what it is today.

And to cap it off... I decided to go back to blogging daily. I realized, over the past week, that it's one of the things that will help keep my sanity as I make adjustments to my current life! =)

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