Monday 25 November 2013

Busy Busy!!

Busy like a bumblebee!

My weekend was chockful of activities. First off on Friday, I was falling asleep (did I mention this already) during Bubbletea. It was only 10:30... On the other hand, the Ferrero Rocher drink I had was mightily delicious at Hot Point. It had a hint of Maraschino Cherry flavor in it that really enhanced the flavor!

On Saturday, I had piano teaching. Since I had some time in between lessons this week, I travelled to a mart I saw while I went for Korean food down in the SW. The mart in question was called E-mart. It essentially housed a ton of Korean and Japanese goods. I needed some Green Tea, so I purchased a bag. I have yet to try it to this day, but I will find some time on the weekend to give it a go!

Sunday was karate, and a bunch of other things that I needed to get done for today. Fortunately, I managed to finish a good chunk of stuff, so it was a very productive Sunday. I also purchased Civilization for the iPad. I had to use it for a project... and I think it might go as planned! I'm still learning the game (it has quite the learning curve), but I did spend a good hour and a half playing it on Sunday.

And today, was just busy! Busy busy busy. But that's life I guess! =) (Or should it be =/)

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