Tuesday 27 January 2015

No where near an artist...

but not too bad for learning how to use some of the different types of brushes on PS!

It was a long day, yet it went by as a blur. I don't recall what I did all day, but I remember trudging to my car after school. Purchasing some tea after work energized me for a bit; giving me enough energy to attempt lesson 2 of my online course.

So many cool features with photoshop!

Sunday 25 January 2015

Humbling Experience

It's been quite a while since I last blogged. Nothing out of the ordinary has happened over the past 11 days really.

It's hard to believe that January is almost over, for I feel that there's so much to do with quite a few deadlines approaching! Either way, I feel quite fortunate to have a great support network with my tasks, thus not feeling so stressed about what needs to be done for the next couple of months!

Besides that, I've started an online course on Photoshop CS5. I found this course via a post on Facebook on online courses. This is what I think my profs were talking about in terms of life long learning. Learning never stops!

I've just completed my first lesson (of 12) on CS5 and there were so many tools that I wasn't familiar with. True, I'm a scrub when it comes to CS5. I mostly just fiddle around with really basic settings and hope for the best. The lesson took longer than I expected, but it was definitely time well spent. And best of all... the course is free!

Onto the title of today's blog. My dad always had an interest in space, so he purchased an amateur telescope. Since today was an extremely clear day, he set it up to look at Jupiter. I had the chance to peer through the lens; though having difficulties in seeing details of the planet. I was, however, able to get a glimpse of three of Jupiter's moons (three bright spots orbiting the significantly larger spot).

And that experience was awe inspiring. I recall how I took my eye off the eye piece and glazed upon the night sky. There were a large amount of twinkling spots that dotted the darkness, with Jupiter being the brightest. It made me realize how small we are compared to the vast universe out there.

Finally, for the picture of the day

I took this picture on Friday when I was coming home from work. It was a unique drive home due to the strong contrast of dark clouds and summer like blue sky. I wanted to take a picture as I was done a stretch of road, but of course, safety first!

Wednesday 14 January 2015

Roosevelt Game

This is not going to be a review post due to how late it is and the lack of energy I have at the moment... perhaps another day when I have time!

After a grueling day at work, I trudged/drove home knowing that I'll be able to watch the final episode of the drama I'm currently viewing. Roosevelt's Game; script written by the same author of Hanzawa Naoki. There are similarities in comparison to Hanzawa, though I find this series a more mellowed out version. It felt more like a inspirational/work hard dramas rather than surviving/outsmarting your opponents. 

Overall, it was a really good watch. I probably won't watch it again (out of the... 150+ series I watched in my lifetime, I think I only rewatched two drama series), though I highly recommend it to people who enjoy watching dramas that focus on sports (baseball in this case) and business. 

The ending was predictable, but it was really heartwarming, especially (SPOILER ALERT)

When they were showing clips from the two sensors. It was indeed really beautiful in how they framed that scene.

And now onto a new drama series to watch! Perhaps I should scope out Doctor X season 3!
Credits: http://asianwiki.com/images/3/3d/Roosevelt_Game-p1.jpg

Tuesday 13 January 2015

Tea preparation set came in!

Lots of meetings after school today! I went out after and saw some people that I haven't seen in a while. 

When I got home, this was in my desk:

My matcha preparation set has arrived! I forgot to buy this when we initially bought our matcha from Ippodo. 

Monday 12 January 2015


It was hard waking up this morning. Somehow, i managed to slide out of bed and wolf down breakfast. I ended up napping for a while before getting dressed and head off to work. 

Must be a Monday. 

Besides a typical day at work, I had my weekly Monday workout. It was still extremely busy, but we managed to get a lot done. I was able to lift my now normal for deadlifts, but couldn't do 20 pounds more. My grip kept failing on me. =(

After working out, I came home to eat dinner. And now... Well hopefully soon... Early bedtime!

Cracked my one week old glass screen protector after dropping my phone on the ground yesterday. Luckily my phone went unharmed. 

Saturday 10 January 2015

It's a first for this school year...

... that I finished most of my work on a Saturday! Since September, I've been pretty lazy on Saturday. I normally keep all my work for Sunday.

But somehow I managed to finish a large chunk of my "to-do" list for today!

Besides work, it was any normal Saturday. Went to work, went to work out, came home and did my other work and watched another episode of Roosevelt Game. There are parallels to the author's 2013 hit: Hanzawa Naoki, found in Roosevelt Game. Awesome drama, though perhaps not as suspenseful as the 2013 one.

Karate starts tomorrow as well, so I guess I better get ready to hit the sack!

Thursday 8 January 2015

Long day!

For the first time this week, traffic was running extremely smoothly. I was worried since I left 10 minutes later than usual, but I arrived with about 8-10 minutes to spare!

It was a long day today -- I had no prep today and lunch was almost non-existent today. Right after the buses left, I had a parent teacher interview. Fortunately though, everything went smoothly so it didn't feel to bad. Plus, I just started drinking tea again, so that really helped liven up my day!

After work, it was off to working out. We started with deadlifta, but I wasn't able to do my max today. My left hand had no grip strength for some reason. However, I was able to do other exercises, so I was relatively pleased with my performance. 

Now there's something tugging on the back of mind, as if there's something important I have to do...

I don't know what it is... I should really use my agenda more...

They have a point system now!

Tuesday 6 January 2015

Holy Snowy

Woke up this morning to a relatively large snowfall. Upon seeing the snow, I left for work earlier than I usual would.

Still ended up late (1 minute late today). During my nearly an hour drive, I noticed how many owners would not brush the snow off the car. There was even a person who switched into my lane, though making it difficult to see his/her turning light due to the thick compacted snow that covered his/her rear end.

Is that extra minute or two really be a significant difference in your commute to work/play/wherever you're going to at 7 AM in the morning?

Enough raging... school started later than usual due to the late buses. I was immensely surprised by the large turnout of students. I believe the lowest amount of students I had in a class was 80%. Much higher than the measly 3-4 students that I had on multiple occasions last year as a teacher. I must say that I'm quite pleased with the turnout... or it could be due to the fact that today was the first day back for students...

We'll see if it'll be busy tomorrow at school in terms of student population!

After work, I got home a lot earlier than I expected, so I ended up hitting the gym once again. I now regret it, since I have some major shin splint pain shooting up my right leg. It's those dull pains that really make you grit your teeth, for it doesn't really go away.

A simple, yet effective cure is rest; off to bed I go!

Monday 5 January 2015

First day back!

First day back today! Driving to work was long since a van lost a tire along my route. What would normally take me 5 minutes to go down a stretch of road ended up taking me 30 minutes. I ended up showing up 20 minutes late to work. Fortunately, it was PD/OD day and the other traffic incidents around town delayed the start of PD.

PD was interesting -- we had a professor come talk to us about SLAs (replacements for the provincial exams) and certain ELL techniques. Despite the first half of the 2+ hour lecture being primarily focused on elementary teachers, I learned quite a bit that I can incorporate to my own teachings.

After PD, I went back to my room to mark tests... tests that I should have marked during break, but I left them at school by accident. (Or maybe I subconsciously left them there...) It took me most of the afternoon to make up a key and mark 37 exams. =P I also had a pile of essays to mark for my karate class, but I decided to leave that for tomorrow.

After work, I went to Best Buy to purchase an item for my mother. It was an uneventful drive, which was a nice change from this morning. I must have made it to the NE in record time... I don't recall traffic being so smooth on Deerfoot Trail.

After purchasing the item, I went home to prepare for my workout. As expected, it was busier than usual due to the New Year. Despite the busyness, we secured a squat rack and decline bench.

A somewhat busy and productive day! Now to go on sleep and try and make it to work early tomorrow so I can set up a new seating plan for my students.

Sunday 4 January 2015

End of break

Time to go back to work!

It's been a relaxing two weeks. I got time to sit back and complete a bunch of things on my to-do list. (Though there's still FF XIII-3 to complete!)

Hopefully I'll be able to get back into the swing of things!

Friday 2 January 2015

Snowy 2nd

Lots of snow today! I had my alarm set for 8:30, but I ended up waking up at around 11...  

Besides my late start, I got a few phone calls in and some other small things completed for the day. 

Bro night was quiet, yet somewhat festive today. Afterwards I ended up looking for TMs in Alpha Sapphire. 

Dusty old external hard drive that my dad found downstairs. 

Thursday 1 January 2015

New Year 2015

Got up late after going to bed so late! After breakfast, it was time for a session at the gym. It was a lot quieter than what I expected, but it could be due to the fact that we worked out early in the afternoon. 

After working out, it was off to FF. 

Break is almost up! But so far it's been a great start to the year! No signs of bronchitis... yet!

*knock on wood*

Finally finished a container of protein. I purchased this in September. It really helped me not snack after work.