Wednesday 14 January 2015

Roosevelt Game

This is not going to be a review post due to how late it is and the lack of energy I have at the moment... perhaps another day when I have time!

After a grueling day at work, I trudged/drove home knowing that I'll be able to watch the final episode of the drama I'm currently viewing. Roosevelt's Game; script written by the same author of Hanzawa Naoki. There are similarities in comparison to Hanzawa, though I find this series a more mellowed out version. It felt more like a inspirational/work hard dramas rather than surviving/outsmarting your opponents. 

Overall, it was a really good watch. I probably won't watch it again (out of the... 150+ series I watched in my lifetime, I think I only rewatched two drama series), though I highly recommend it to people who enjoy watching dramas that focus on sports (baseball in this case) and business. 

The ending was predictable, but it was really heartwarming, especially (SPOILER ALERT)

When they were showing clips from the two sensors. It was indeed really beautiful in how they framed that scene.

And now onto a new drama series to watch! Perhaps I should scope out Doctor X season 3!

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