Monday 5 January 2015

First day back!

First day back today! Driving to work was long since a van lost a tire along my route. What would normally take me 5 minutes to go down a stretch of road ended up taking me 30 minutes. I ended up showing up 20 minutes late to work. Fortunately, it was PD/OD day and the other traffic incidents around town delayed the start of PD.

PD was interesting -- we had a professor come talk to us about SLAs (replacements for the provincial exams) and certain ELL techniques. Despite the first half of the 2+ hour lecture being primarily focused on elementary teachers, I learned quite a bit that I can incorporate to my own teachings.

After PD, I went back to my room to mark tests... tests that I should have marked during break, but I left them at school by accident. (Or maybe I subconsciously left them there...) It took me most of the afternoon to make up a key and mark 37 exams. =P I also had a pile of essays to mark for my karate class, but I decided to leave that for tomorrow.

After work, I went to Best Buy to purchase an item for my mother. It was an uneventful drive, which was a nice change from this morning. I must have made it to the NE in record time... I don't recall traffic being so smooth on Deerfoot Trail.

After purchasing the item, I went home to prepare for my workout. As expected, it was busier than usual due to the New Year. Despite the busyness, we secured a squat rack and decline bench.

A somewhat busy and productive day! Now to go on sleep and try and make it to work early tomorrow so I can set up a new seating plan for my students.

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