Thursday 8 January 2015

Long day!

For the first time this week, traffic was running extremely smoothly. I was worried since I left 10 minutes later than usual, but I arrived with about 8-10 minutes to spare!

It was a long day today -- I had no prep today and lunch was almost non-existent today. Right after the buses left, I had a parent teacher interview. Fortunately though, everything went smoothly so it didn't feel to bad. Plus, I just started drinking tea again, so that really helped liven up my day!

After work, it was off to working out. We started with deadlifta, but I wasn't able to do my max today. My left hand had no grip strength for some reason. However, I was able to do other exercises, so I was relatively pleased with my performance. 

Now there's something tugging on the back of mind, as if there's something important I have to do...

I don't know what it is... I should really use my agenda more...

They have a point system now!

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