Tuesday 24 March 2015

Day 4: A shopping day

Woke up earlier than yesterday, but a lot later than I would like. After breakfast and an episode of the current anime I'm watching (Your Lie in April), I got ready to go out and shop. 

First off, we went to Chinook. I needed a new pair of dress shoes for work since my old ones were tearing at the heels. I had some gift cards, thus I headed to Rockport. 

I found a pair that I liked and noticed that it was on sale for 25% off! It was an extremely good purchase in my books. =)

After Chinook, it was off to scope for some equipment for my options class. And off too home after our short shopping excursion. 

I managed to finish all my marking today (after lunch), thus putting me on schedule for break! ^_^

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