Thursday 12 March 2015

Loooooooong Day

After a couple months of planning and staying late the past couple of days, we finally had our career day.

I always heard that it was a lot of work, but I didn't expect it to be THAT much work. I was fortunate enough to have help from a couple of my colleagues, thus making my work easier. Personally, the hardest part was planning the sessions. Making the schedule for the classes took the most amount of time for me.

I was quite anxious today, since it's the first time that I was in charge with such a large scale event. After a few minor hiccups, everything proceeded quite smoothly. I ran down many halls today, making sure that things went smoothly... but I guess I didn't really have to in the long run!

All in all, it was a humbling experience to have set up the Career Day at my school. I now realize the amount of work that planners have to do to organize an event. I was able to learn from today's experience, and if I ever had to do something like this again, I hope it'll turn out better than today!

Right after career day (well 2 hours after) was parent teacher interviews. Since the weather was quite pleasant, it was somewhat busy. I think I saw 16 families today.

Just one more Parent Teacher Inteview day to go!

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