Wednesday 27 May 2015

Athletic Award Banquet

Day 6 at my school, which meant I had a prep and a half today. It turned out to be a lot busier than I thought it would be, and it was the night of the Athletic Awards.

Somehow I survived in one piece. The Athletic Award Banquet (I think that's what its called) was a great event. It was great to see students go up and win awards for the hard work they put into their season. I'm not sure if I mentioned it before, but I was particularly impressed with my badminton team. To be honest, I didn't have high hopes since the other schools had all sort of club players and other students that'll play hours and hours of badminton. Nevertheless, we did pretty well and exceeded my expectations.

Despite being a long day, it went by very quickly! That means we're so much closer to exams... =/

Got the right hand for the third page at about 20% tempo. Went on and practiced the 2nd theme. Such a beautiful theme. I believe I got it at around 30% tempo (since there's no crazy 16th note passages).

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