Monday 18 May 2015

Victoria Holiday 2015

Once again, I woke up a lot later than what I expected. I wolfed down breakfast, got a hair cut, and went to work out.

Upon coming home, I got through my marking, finished an activity right up and homework check, and enjoyed the rest of my day!

In terms for Chopin's Ballade, I read an interesting article online written by The Guardian's Editor: Alan Rusbridger. He learned the piece over the period of a year (or a bit more if I'm not mistaken) and documented his journey. (If i read it correctly).

I guess I should do the same! I'll write in italics to to distinguish the different sections of my blog posts.

Went through the first page and a half today. Beginning was simple enough for both hands, though I was not able to play at Moderato for the first theme. Playing with the metronome at around bpm=48.

And that's my day today!

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