Tuesday 26 May 2015

I had something to blog about, but I forgot...

Totally forgot what I wanted to blog about today...

Oh, and for those who are wondering, I still practice Chopin's Ballade, just that I haven't been inputting what I've done to date. Essentially, practicing the three pages to get it up to aroudn 40% speed.

I was just reading an old blog post from last month, and I realized that was when I started squatting two plates. I managed to do 1 or 2 sets of 2 shaky reps. As for today, I was able to put in about 3-4 sets of 3 reps at 90 degrees.

Improvement in my books! =)

Other than that, this week is blazing by too! Better organize myself so I can finish the school year off in one piece!

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