Tuesday 26 June 2012

Rain Rain Go Away...

So much rain over the past couple of days...

Well today was like any other rainy day, I stayed mostly indoors (except to go swim in the morning and to go to TD mall today).

I started making my white box yesterday but didn't finish since I had job training for the Stampede. There was a lot of information to absorb and I have a bunch of things to read. However, it looks like it's going to be fun! Can't wait to start!

Oh back on topic, so yes, I completed my white box today! BS that it only takes about 10 minutes to make... I spent a good hour or more to make my box. It took quite a bit of time to cut out the holes for my box.

Now I just need to find a good light source...

Sunday 24 June 2012

Pokémon Conquest

Just got the game yesterday. It's apparently a cross-over of Nobunga's Ambition and the Pokémon series. So pretty much, its a turn-based strategy game featuring Pokémon characters.

I have to say, it's not that difficult to pick up. It's a lot easier to play say, compared to Final Fantasy Tactics. You make teams of six and battle it out with your opponent. During your turn, you can move any character/player (Warlords) on your side of the field. Each one of your characters have a special ability, which you can use once per battle. Besides your characters having special abilities, your Pokémon themselves have their own special abilities.

Apparently, there's 200 game play hours possibly for this game... so I better get back to it soon! =P

Credits: http://www.pokemonconquest.net/uploads/9/4/7/4/9474301/6110881_orig.png

Tuesday 19 June 2012

June 19th 2012

One of my less creative titles...

Today was a normal day. Woke up, went to swim, went home to eat breakfast and relaxed for pretty much the entire day.

I finished Claymore yesterday (about a 20 episode marathon) and started reading the manga today.

I still haven't got around to building my white box, but I should soon. I got the cloth and I believe I have a suitable box downstairs. All I need now is a piece of white paper. Once that's all done, I can start taking pictures of many many things! =)

Here's a shot that I took tonight (about an hr ago)

This was taken using my 75-300 mm lens. I believe my ISO setting was at 400, and my shuttle speed was at 1/125. I was at max zoom (if that's the proper terminology). It's a bit grainy, but I'm surprised it's not as blurry as I expected it to be, given that it was taken at max zoom with a low shuttle speed from what I'm told.

The picture was also unedited. =) Also, it was taken from my study chair, inside my house. Looks like my windows are still pretty clean! =D

Sunday 17 June 2012


In karate today, there were examinations for the white, green and brown belts. I went to help/exam students. As like any other exam, being there allowed me to see what my students would need to work on for next year... though sometimes things don't go the way I want them to go...

After karate, I went to CrossIron Mills for the first time! It seemed to be pretty big! Also, prices seem to be quite reasonable at CrossIrons. I almost bought myself a new wallet since my old one (about 10 years old now) is breaking down. It was on sale for about $60 (From the original price of $148). 

After CrossIrons, I went home and started watching Claymore (I seem to be only able to watch one episode a day for this drama). All I have to say is...




AWESOME!!! Should have listened to a friend earlier when he recommended this anime to me (back in high school).

Now if you excuse me, it's time for episode 7...

Thursday 14 June 2012

New Gear!

Swam 60 laps (25 m per lap) or 30 full laps (50 m), however you like to view it =P

Besides that, I got some new gear for my camera! A new flash and a telephoto lens. Both of them set me back by about $400, but it was definitely worth getting both items (no new computer though =( ). Now I'm itching to get a fish-eye lens... that'll set me back another 300ish...

Well back to another one of those "my day posts". Woke up and swam, then came home to eat breakfast and watch Sket Dance. Since I don't have a paid-membership at crunchyroll, I watch episodes that are a week old. So the episode I saw today was a two part thing. The first part dealt with manga (with Roman-san and Sket Dance... I never really liked Roman's character...). I thought the first part was alright... nothing special. The second part, though, was HILARIOUS. Blind Tsubaki and Sket Dance = tons of full out laughter from me =P.

Oh, and my torrent just finished recently! I started it about 2 days ago since there's not a lot of seeders. I've been averaging about 100 kb/s for a 8.6 GB drama series (the one I'm watching at the moment). When I finished torrenting, I was looking forward to watching the third episode!

I opened up the file folder...

To find out that THERE WAS NO EPISODE 3 in the folder!

There was episode 1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9 and 10... but no 3... what are the chances??!?

So I went back to the site I grab my torrents from and found a episode 3 torrent. Now I have to wait for a day or so to watch it. =(

Oh well, stuff happens. =P

That's it for today! For today's picture

A picture of my flash pouch. Since I started photography, I've been more critical of my pictures. I should have spent more time taking this shot, but eh... next time I suppose...

Tuesday 12 June 2012

Level 60 and a 51 year old pregnant woman

This early afternoon, I managed to reach level 60 in Diablo 3! Finally! =D
Took me about 65 hours to reach that level... but at least the "real fun" starts now! =P

I dropped Lucky Seven, because it started to get really boring. In return, I started a new drama: Umareru. In English, the title means, "Being Born". The story tells about a happy couple that have  raised four children. The age ranges from... the oldest being around mid 20s, to the youngest being in high school. One day, the father dies of a stroke and the mom finds out that she's pregnant... at the age of 51!

So far, the story line is interesting. There seems to be a lot of drama involved with this drama. For example, the eldest son realized that he was adopted and the youngest daughter is being harassed at school.

Hopefully I won't drop this drama! It looks pretty good right now! The only problem is finding the files online. =( I hope there will be more seeders tonight, so I can download the next episode faster!!

The eldest daughter played by Horikita Maki.

Sunday 10 June 2012

20 Things/Tid bits about me

I recall doing something similar a while back on facebook, though I don't remember it that well (and I'm too lazy to look). Well here goes! These are being made up on the spot, and I'm answering them with whatever comes to mind. Mind you, this is the most random list I ever came up with.

1) Favorite ice cream flavour: Neapolitan! You get the best of three worlds in one delicious cone/dish!

2) Ideal retirement: Probably the country side, somewhere peaceful and quiet.

3) Pet Peeve: Hypocrites! I can't stand them. Then again, I'm a hypocrite at times too, so does that mean I can't stand myself at times? =(.

4) Favorite drama genre: Detective or Medical. Really, anything thats thrilling, but not suspenseful.

5) Least favorite drama genre: Serious romance (not including Romantic Comedies). Usually I find that these types of romance dramas are too full of clichés and drama!

6) Favorite game series: What else besides Final Fantasy? It's such an awesome genre! I really loved FF IX (it was my first FF). Never finished XII... never played II,III,V,VI or XI... just completed XIII-2! I find that I spend more time on the sequels (ie: FF X-2 and FF XIII-2) than the originals...

7) Favorite color: I really like the colors black and blue. If you looked at my wardrobe, it's full of black shirts...

8) Interesting tidbit that a person wouldn't guess: I really like fashion, though I don't dress to impress. I'm not into the fashion shows, but I do like to think up of combinations of clothing that I find fashionable.

9) Another interesting fact: I feel that I can get quite competitive at times, at things that I really care about. If I care about something, I try to make sure that I stay at the top. I'm not as easy-going as most people think I am at times! =P

10) Favorite type of music: I'm really into R&B type of music right now. Also, I prefer solo artists over groups. I don't have a reason for it really though.

11) Favorite facial feature: My eyes. I like my eyes the most for some reason. They're nothing spectacular, but I just like them!

12) Biggest phobia: Insects and spiders. They're interesting, but they FREAK ME OUT. Oh my goodness, just recently at work, there was a moth sitting on top of a rubbermaid container and I jumped backwards out of fright... =(

13) Ideal vacation spot: I would like to go back to Japan again. It's something about the environment there that I really enjoy. Maybe it's due to the time I spent at my grandparent's house. Every morning when I wake up, I would hear the gentle stream of water outside and breathe in the fresh air (they live in a small town).

14) Favorite car at the moment: I blame it on a friend, but my favorite car right now is the 2005-2006 RSX Type-S. If I had the money, I would like to purchase one and add an A-spec kit to it. Also, I would get coils, A-spec wing, diffuser, winglets... etc etc. I wouldn't mind the Scion FR-S/Subaru BRZ either! =P

15) Favorite sport: Even though I don't play it as much, I still think that badminton is my number 1 favorite sport.

16) Thing that I wish I could change about myself: Laziness. Hands down. Lol oh gosh... my laziness will be the end of me one day if I don't change...

17) Ideal type of girl (this one was apparently popular topic on my old blog): Tall, thin, light skinned, intelligent, bold as in she know what she wants, out-going and MOST importantly, her smile. These characteristics are what I find to be the most attractive to me, or if she looks like BoA (despite not being a big fan of hers anymore, I still find her to be extremely attractive ;) ). Oh, and I guess common interests...

18) What I do to kill time: Games, internet, sometimes the piano if I really want to learn a new song, and reading.

19) Proudest accomplishment to date: My PG 1/60 Strike Freedom Gundam. It took me a month to build it practically, but I have to say that it's my finest work. Of course, there are some rough parts on my model, but I still find it to be my finest work. That reminds me... I haven't build a gundam this break yet... hmmm..... =P

20) Half full or half empty? For the most part, half full. For other times, the liquid has occupied approximately 50% of the container. Under further analysis, it seems like the composition of the liquid consists of mainly hydrogen and oxygen with a ratio of roughly 2:1.

Today's picture: for those who don't know who BoA is (though I doubt it since I did mention her a couple times in my blog I believe)

 It's simple, but this is my favorite picture of BoA. =)

Saturday 9 June 2012


Thing is... I wasn't quite sure if I wanted to go to Driven (car event at the Olympic Oval), so I didn't bring my camera to work with me today. I wish I did though... there were quite a few cars that caught my eye (and other things as well ;) ).

Ahh, almost level 60 in D3 with my wizard... about 5 more levels to go... At least it's not as bad as grinding on flyff. I remember how it would take a full day to gain 1.5 levels... or so...

Boring post today, but I'll try to post daily again. Tomorrow, I'm going to post 20 things about me, since I haven't been adding little tidbits to the end of my posts recently (like I said I was going too...)

That's all for now! No picture today. =P

Tuesday 5 June 2012

Darn thunder storm

Darn thunderstorm is making it hard to sleep! Here I lay in bed, trying to sleep but sleep won't come =(. Might as well write my blog on my phone since I don't feel sleepy anymore. It's also been a while since my last entry!

Today, I went to volunteer at my old practicum school by helping to supervise a field trip to the local pond. The students had to collect water and identify specimens in the water or by catching additional specimens with nets. Some groups were lucky and found a lot of diversity among their specimens collected while others were not. What surprised me the most was that most of the students were engaged in this inquiry based activity. In fact, I don't recall seeing a student that wasn't engaged with the activity. All of them were trying to find organisms using their nets or by directing their group mates to a particular spot.

Wow... My hand stamina is low... So that's it for now! Here's a picture of a burger I ate at Jameson's last Friday: their highlander burger. Two 8 oz patties with 4 oz of shredded pork. Yum!