Tuesday 19 June 2012

June 19th 2012

One of my less creative titles...

Today was a normal day. Woke up, went to swim, went home to eat breakfast and relaxed for pretty much the entire day.

I finished Claymore yesterday (about a 20 episode marathon) and started reading the manga today.

I still haven't got around to building my white box, but I should soon. I got the cloth and I believe I have a suitable box downstairs. All I need now is a piece of white paper. Once that's all done, I can start taking pictures of many many things! =)

Here's a shot that I took tonight (about an hr ago)

This was taken using my 75-300 mm lens. I believe my ISO setting was at 400, and my shuttle speed was at 1/125. I was at max zoom (if that's the proper terminology). It's a bit grainy, but I'm surprised it's not as blurry as I expected it to be, given that it was taken at max zoom with a low shuttle speed from what I'm told.

The picture was also unedited. =) Also, it was taken from my study chair, inside my house. Looks like my windows are still pretty clean! =D

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