Sunday 10 June 2012

20 Things/Tid bits about me

I recall doing something similar a while back on facebook, though I don't remember it that well (and I'm too lazy to look). Well here goes! These are being made up on the spot, and I'm answering them with whatever comes to mind. Mind you, this is the most random list I ever came up with.

1) Favorite ice cream flavour: Neapolitan! You get the best of three worlds in one delicious cone/dish!

2) Ideal retirement: Probably the country side, somewhere peaceful and quiet.

3) Pet Peeve: Hypocrites! I can't stand them. Then again, I'm a hypocrite at times too, so does that mean I can't stand myself at times? =(.

4) Favorite drama genre: Detective or Medical. Really, anything thats thrilling, but not suspenseful.

5) Least favorite drama genre: Serious romance (not including Romantic Comedies). Usually I find that these types of romance dramas are too full of clichés and drama!

6) Favorite game series: What else besides Final Fantasy? It's such an awesome genre! I really loved FF IX (it was my first FF). Never finished XII... never played II,III,V,VI or XI... just completed XIII-2! I find that I spend more time on the sequels (ie: FF X-2 and FF XIII-2) than the originals...

7) Favorite color: I really like the colors black and blue. If you looked at my wardrobe, it's full of black shirts...

8) Interesting tidbit that a person wouldn't guess: I really like fashion, though I don't dress to impress. I'm not into the fashion shows, but I do like to think up of combinations of clothing that I find fashionable.

9) Another interesting fact: I feel that I can get quite competitive at times, at things that I really care about. If I care about something, I try to make sure that I stay at the top. I'm not as easy-going as most people think I am at times! =P

10) Favorite type of music: I'm really into R&B type of music right now. Also, I prefer solo artists over groups. I don't have a reason for it really though.

11) Favorite facial feature: My eyes. I like my eyes the most for some reason. They're nothing spectacular, but I just like them!

12) Biggest phobia: Insects and spiders. They're interesting, but they FREAK ME OUT. Oh my goodness, just recently at work, there was a moth sitting on top of a rubbermaid container and I jumped backwards out of fright... =(

13) Ideal vacation spot: I would like to go back to Japan again. It's something about the environment there that I really enjoy. Maybe it's due to the time I spent at my grandparent's house. Every morning when I wake up, I would hear the gentle stream of water outside and breathe in the fresh air (they live in a small town).

14) Favorite car at the moment: I blame it on a friend, but my favorite car right now is the 2005-2006 RSX Type-S. If I had the money, I would like to purchase one and add an A-spec kit to it. Also, I would get coils, A-spec wing, diffuser, winglets... etc etc. I wouldn't mind the Scion FR-S/Subaru BRZ either! =P

15) Favorite sport: Even though I don't play it as much, I still think that badminton is my number 1 favorite sport.

16) Thing that I wish I could change about myself: Laziness. Hands down. Lol oh gosh... my laziness will be the end of me one day if I don't change...

17) Ideal type of girl (this one was apparently popular topic on my old blog): Tall, thin, light skinned, intelligent, bold as in she know what she wants, out-going and MOST importantly, her smile. These characteristics are what I find to be the most attractive to me, or if she looks like BoA (despite not being a big fan of hers anymore, I still find her to be extremely attractive ;) ). Oh, and I guess common interests...

18) What I do to kill time: Games, internet, sometimes the piano if I really want to learn a new song, and reading.

19) Proudest accomplishment to date: My PG 1/60 Strike Freedom Gundam. It took me a month to build it practically, but I have to say that it's my finest work. Of course, there are some rough parts on my model, but I still find it to be my finest work. That reminds me... I haven't build a gundam this break yet... hmmm..... =P

20) Half full or half empty? For the most part, half full. For other times, the liquid has occupied approximately 50% of the container. Under further analysis, it seems like the composition of the liquid consists of mainly hydrogen and oxygen with a ratio of roughly 2:1.

Today's picture: for those who don't know who BoA is (though I doubt it since I did mention her a couple times in my blog I believe)

 It's simple, but this is my favorite picture of BoA. =)

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