Thursday 30 August 2012

The Last Story

I wanted to post this yesterday, but I came home late from badminton.

A couple months ago, I was reading my copy of Nintendo Power. In it, they spoke about a RPG game directed by Hironobu Sakaguchi; the man that created the Final Fantasy series. Intrigued, I kept reading and found out that Nobuo Uematsu composed the score for the game.

These two men were the reason why I started gaming (despite FF IX not being my first game that I played, rather being the first RPG that I really liked) and to see them collaborate together again after a long time... well I can't miss this chance!

Therefore, in July, I preordered my copy from Best Buy and waited for the past month for my copy. After what seems like months, I finally got my copy yesterday! I eagerly opened my copy and looked at the artwork book that came with it, since preordering the game early ensured that I would get a special (and limited I believe?) copy! After a hurried lunch, I impatiently finished FF My Life as a King (since I beat it the night before, but apparently I didn't save...) and then proceeded to play The Last Story.

So far, so good! The game is really enjoyable! I spent about 6 hours today going through the chapters. I believe I'm about halfway? (Chapter 20 of around 44 chapters I heard)

My only complaint so far about the game is that some of the text is sooo small! I'm going blind trying to read it off my crappy TV screen.

A picture of my copy of The Last Story!

Now its time to finish my last episode of Real Clothes!

Tuesday 28 August 2012

Dim Sum!

My morning started off like any other morning: got up early for my swim.

After swimming, I went with my mom (and brother) to scope out her specialist's office for her appointment in a months time. It was pretty far, for we went down Deerfoot Trail for quite a while. 

After finding the location, we went to go eat dim sum at Forbidden City. It has been a while since I last ate dim sum with my mother and brother (I believe my last time was in junior high...). The restaurant looked a lot different than what I remember it being. For one, the chairs have some sort of dull-coloured cloth covering. Also, they didn't use the traditional white ceramic teapots that most Chinese restaurants use; rather clear teapots that I see at places like Dessert House (somewhat resembling those teapots there... don't remember too clearly either...) Besides the pots, they had square wood boxes to keep the dim sum in, which was pretty cool as well! 

Here's a picture of the tea pot!

Since Loki has been busy lately, I'm thinking of bringing back my "deeper" blogs that I used to write when I had my old blogging account. I used to call them my "PhD" blogs for "Philosophical David". I may use the same name, or think of something totally different. =/ 

Wednesday 22 August 2012

Shoes and Dramas

After my morning swim, I came home to eat breakfast. When I eat breakfast, I usually read the newspaper/flyers or sit in front of my computer and watch an episode of something (drama, anime, youtube, etc). Today, I opted to read a Sports Chek flyer.

On the front page, it had the occasional sale where you buy one pair of shoes, you get another pair at 50% (with conditions of course, such as no shoes with prices ending in 98 cents, or top sale shoes). Since I've been wearing my runners for the past 6 years or so (and not having any other comfortable runners on hand), I decided to go check it out at my nearest Sports Chek store.

I got there relatively early (first day of sales, I was there at around an hr after they opened), and to my surprise it was already quite busy in the shoe section. There weren't any new types of runners that caught my eye, so after 10 minutes, I ended up going for a pair of shoes I previously worn before: New Balance 894. These shoes were one of the most comfiest shoes I ever worn in my entire life.

Problem was.... they didn't have my size!

After another 15 minutes or so, I settled for two pair of "trend" shoes. I own a couple of trend shoes before, and they're not nearly as comfortable as runners I find... but there weren't a pair of runners that fit my tastes.

I got a pair of New Balance Backpacks (they felt comfy when I tried them on, and I hope they're like those New Balance runners that I normally wear) and a pair of Converse. They didn't really give me a "wow" feeling, but I guess I'll grow warm towards them after some time! =)

Now for the drama

So I was bored this evening (since I usually finish what I want to get done during the day, and video games aren't really appealing to me at the moment.... WHERE ARE YOU LAST STORY? I 'm waiting for them to ship my copy still!!) so I wanted to see how many Japanese drama series I watched so far! I can count the amount of Korean and Taiwanese dramas I watched (6 Taiwanese: Tokyo Juliet, It Started With a Kiss, Love Contract, Devil Beside You, Hi My Sweetheart and Druken to Love You, and 1 Korean: Full House) in my lifetime, but I cannot for Japanese. Like I stated before, I prefer Japanese dramas since the seasons and episodes are shorter. I estimated that in the past six years, I watched over 120 series.

Well I went through the list on and cross referenced it with to list the series I watched to date so far. Here's my list (and actually quite a long list)

EDIT: I can't post my list =(, but I counted 111 drama series (+ a couple that I may have missed since they're not as mainstream as the ones I usually watch).

Speaking of dramas, it's time to end this post and to proceed onto another episode of Real Clothes! =D

Monday 20 August 2012

White Box Photography

Blah, my brain is rotting from the past two weeks of inactivity...

So I decided to finally try and take pictures again using my white box! The purpose of the white box is to act as a filter for incoming light.

There were a couple differences between today's photo shoot and the one I took a while back:

1) I used a tripod. Never again, will I underestimate the value of a tripod. No matter how still I think I am, or how was the shutter speed is... nothing beats the steadiness of a tripod!

2) Played around with my white balance. I noticed in my last shoot that a lot of my pictures were on the warm side (yellowish-white), when I wanted a cooler temperature. To fix that, I simply tried using a different white balance setting on my camera (White Florescent setting) and it seemed to work!

3) Used RAW format. Not as important, but it will be helpful during photoshop!

So yes! That was what I did today! I'll try and blog daily again, since it'll keep me entertained... For the first time (well I believe the first time this summer), that I finally feel bored and want to go back to school!

Here was my set up this late morning!

Wednesday 15 August 2012

Quick Guide to Amateur Painting Gundam Model Kits

I was talking to a friend a couple weeks ago and he asked how I painted my gundams. That gave me an idea to make up a quick guide (and to justify the purchase of another gundam =P) on how I go about to paint my gundams.

This guide will focus primarily on the painting process. I won't go into details on building the gundams since there are many good tutorials out there already. Keep in mind that this is the way the AMATEUR way of painting. It's as "ghetto" as it gets in that this is perhaps the quickest and least expensive way of doing it. The main difference between the way I do it and the way professionals do it is that they normally would use a airbrush. Also, they would paint each pieces separately.

As you will soon see, I do neither. =P

I think I covered everything I need to cover so far, so let's get started!

For the purpose of the tutorial, I purchased a SD (Super Deformed, which means that the head is huge compared to the body, in other words, I dub them "Baby Gundams") since they're cheap and I never built one before.

taken from: (I was too lazy to take out my camera and take a picture of my own box).

Opening the box, you will see endless amounts of plastic bags with the pieces inside all connected to a larger piece of plastic. These big pieces of plastics are called runners.

This picture was taken from my brother's 1/100 MG 00 QAN[T]; SD 00 Raiser has three runners. I forgot to take a picture before I opened the plastic bags, thus a picture from a different model =P

After taking out the runners from the box, figure out what color you're going to paint each runners. Normally, I would separate them into different piles (ie: Red pile, Black pile, Yellow pile, White pile, Grey pile, etc). At times, you may need to color one runner with different colors, so figure out how to break the runner into the appropriate amount of pieces (without breaking the actual model pieces of course!)

As you can see at the botom of the box, there's a small piece of runner that is red. I cut that out from the blue runner.

Now it is time to prepare your painting equipment. I normally use spray cans that I purchase from Canadian Tire. They're the Krylon acrylic kind that usually costs me about $5.
Of course, paint outside, unless you have a ventilator in your room. These fumes can get quite noxious. Always make sure to shake your can well to avoid runny paint smears on your pieces, which can lead to a lot of tears and sore muscles (from sanding the paint off). As you can see quite clearly, there is no airbrush (and air compressor for that matter) present on the scene.

Spray you pieces with the selected paint. Like I stated in the third step, it is important that YOU SHAKE YOUR CANS WELL BEFORE USING! When you spray, make sure that you aim the nozzle away from the runner and let some of the paint fly into the open air (to avoid run-ons as well on your pieces). I normally spray in a horizontal direction at a relative moderate pace. If you spray to quickly, you won't get much paint on and if you spray too slowly, there's a higher chance of getting run-ons.

Make sure to cover the entire surface of the piece. That includes the front face, the back, the sides, and top & bottom. It's IMPORTANT not to overspray! It's best to apply multiple coats instead of one heavy coat. This will prevent running as well! Since I use Canadian Tire paint, I usually wait about 3-5 minutes before applying another coat.

I usually use this box to spray my runners, thus the bluish tinge. You would hold one corner of the runner (or the top label piece [where it tells you what runner it is, ie: A runner, B runner, C runner, etc]) or whatever area you can hold onto since it won't be painted.

This step involves painting one piece with different colors. Most of the time, this step isn't required, however this is a SD kit (which costed me only $12). On an SD kit, details are sacrificed and many pieces (of supposedly different colors) are put together under one color. For example:

This is a shield piece of the 00 Raiser (I believe...). The bottom sword-like part should be white.

So to paint this, I would tape up whatever I don't want painted.

After taping, you repeat Step 4, which is to spray the piece with the desired color. The finished product looks like this

And that's how I paint my gundams! The rest of this post will be pictures displaying the whole thing being put together.

This is my workspace I used to build my gundam. Normally, I would use my living room table, since there's a lot more space. However, this gundam only had three runners, so I built it in front of my computer. The building process is pretty straight forward. All you need to do is read the instructions. At times, you may have to make some adjustments since painting adds bulk to your pieces, hence it may be tough to put two pieces together. In this case, use a file to sand down the connector parts so that it'll fit!

When I go about, putting my gundam together, I would outline the outer pieces to give it more detail. Notice how plain this GN drive looks...

Compared to this! All I did was to add a line using a thin felt tip (I used a Gundam marker, which is a slightly overpriced thin tip felt marker you can buy from an art store for a couple dollars less). 

And now, the finished product!
A display of the entire body

I painted the jewel on top of its head red (originally color was green...), and the fins gold using Step 5. It's hard to see, but the chest has some grey and red (originally color was all blue...), which was painted using step 5 twice (once to put in the red, another time to put in the grey). 

I hope that you find this guide somewhat of use! =)

Saturday 11 August 2012


Interesting restaurant/beer hall. I went there to celebrate a friend's going-away-thingamobobba. It has a really friendly atmosphere to it!

After dinner, we walked back towards downtown. Along the way, there was an interesting fountain that had lights surrounding it. It constantly changed colors ever couple of seconds. Here's a picture of it!

Wednesday 8 August 2012


This morning, I went to get my annual blood work done at a lab near my house. What was different this year was that I didn't book an appointment, which I later realized that I would regret not doing so...

I arrived at the lab at around 7:00 and got out at around 8:15...

One and a quarter hour wait. Granted I was with my mom and brother, but yes... Usually when I get an appointment, I'm in and out in about 30 minutes flat. I know what to do for next year!

All in all, I didn't get to swim this morning =(

Moving onto happier news, I tried out Nandos down 32nd Ave in the N.E. It used to be an old Pizza Hut building that I visited a couple of times when I was young.

I had to say that I didn't expect the inside to be quite posh. It wasn't fancy fancy, but it was really really nice. I got, I believe was a quarter chicken and fries. The hot sauce that they had there was quite spicy; almost reminding me of the time I had suicide wings. =P

Well time to explain the title of the post today! My Pikachu decal for my Macbook Pro came in today! It took me about 10 minutes to put on, but it's soooo much easier than putting decals on my gundam! I like how there's a big surface area to work with now! =D

Sunday 5 August 2012

August Long Weekend

It's been a while since I last posted, so a quick recap of my weekend so far!


In the afternoon, I went to a friend's house to celebrate his birthday. During this time, I had the chance to sample different types of sauces and dishes that I never had before! I have to say that they were pretty good! Unfortunately, I couldn't stay for the entire time, since for Bro Night, we were going to go out to a shooting range to shoot guns.

We went to a shooting range down in the south. I had to say that I was feeling quite anxious since it was my first time using a real gun. After our group picked out three hand guns, we went to a shooting range (after hearing the instructions of course). In here, we were joined by a couple, who had experience shooting before. As we were fumbling to fill our magazines with bullets, they started shooting next to us. I had to say that hearing a gunshot up close AND with heavy duty hearing protection, was INCREDIBLY SCARY AND LOUD.

When I had my chance to shoot, it was... an experience that I won't soon forget. It wasn't the recoil that got me, rather it was the implications of holding a gun. To sum it up, it's fun to shoot, but to know that I have such a powerful, deadly weapon in my hands is... quite unnerving.

After the hand guns, I got the chance to try out two different rifles, including an AK 47. These guns were a lot louder and had more recoil, but once again... the feeling of holding a weapon like this in my hands...

All in all, it was quite an experience, yet something I don't think I'll be doing often... =/ Now to clarify, I'm not condescending anyone that enjoys shooting guns, just that its not really for me.


Volunteered in the morning, like every other Saturday morning. After volunteering, I went home and ate a quick lunch. After playing some games (My Life as a King), I took a short nap. After napping, I went out to Market Mall for a while.

And yup... pretty uninteresting day. =P


Karate in the morning, like usual. After karate, I went over to a friend's house to install some programs for his mac. Afterwards, I came home and grinded some more in Pokémon conquest since it's been a while since I spent some time on that game.

In the evening, I played some SC. I'm very displeased with blizzard's new patch (1.5). My computer now LAGS when I play and I'm already as low as I can go for graphic settings...

Looks like I won't be able to play SC till Heart of the Swarm comes out. I'm in no position to purchase a new gaming computer at the moment. =(

And yes! That marks my weekend so far. Pretty ordinary, except for friday!

The target I was shooting at on Friday.

Wednesday 1 August 2012

Finally done... kinda...

When I sat down to work on decals today (since I finished stickering the body yesterday), I gave up.

I decided to assemble the parts together to make one full gundam. Putting the body together took about five minutes. Putting on the weapons, and hoping that they stay on the body: one hour.

Why did it take that long?

Well, my waist keep breaking in two. I think it's due to the weight (since it was standing on its own; not on a stand yet). Besides the waist, I wasn't able to attach a beam javelin to its right hand... since it was too heavy for it to carry it (or is it due to all the paint I used on it...). After trying for 10 minutes, and having the waist snap every minute, I gave up trying to put on the beam javelin.

Here's the "finished product"... I might put on the other decals when I feel like it... which is highly unlikely...

I didn't even dull cote it...