Sunday 2 December 2012

Another hand injury! And what timing...

In Karate today, I managed to injure my hand again. This time, I took a kick to the fingers. We were doing an exercise where we were supposed to block/evade incoming kicks and then counter. This exercise was done where one person stood in the middle (as the defender) while the others formed a circle around him/her. When I played the role as the defender, the first few kicks were fine. Halfway through, I was too slow in blocking with my palm/wrist, so I ended up blocking a kick with my LH fingers...

I ended up with three fingers that I can't bend without feeling pain and with one that is quite swollen. In other words, my left hand is inoperable due to my sprained/swollen fingers. That also means that I cannot play the piano, and thus cannot play in the musical next week.

I have to admit that I feel relieved from the stress I was feeling from the time crunch, but I feel extremely bad for not being able to play. I felt like I let down the people that were counting on me to perform next week. =(

On a happier note, I went to a musical that my learning partner student teacher was in the NW. The show was based on a broadway musical called White Christmas. I was very impressed by the entire musical! The dances were spectacular and the music was lively. I can't say that it was the most original plot, but I still enjoyed the entire thing overall. I even recognized a couple of pieces, such as Blue Skys, and the Grieg Concerto opening they used in one of the pieces.

A picture of my wrapped fingers that another instructor helped me wrap up today.

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